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不再有国内安全保护。No more homeland security.

安全和质量风险。Security and quality risks.

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安全应该是包容的。Security must be inclusive.

安稳不过是神话,人尽皆知。We know security is a myth.

无弹窗的安全站。No pop the security station.

我设好报警器了吗?Did I set the security alarm?

提供行级安全。It offers row-level security.

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你怀疑我天牢的安全?!You doubt my prison security?!

点“默认安全机制”标签。Click the Default Security tab.

考虑提刀的安全高度。Considering the security level.

国内安全部长。Secretary of Homeland Security.

对于我们来说,安全就像氧气一样。Security for us is like oxygen.

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把那些摄像头摘下来。Take down the security cameras.

在服务器上打开安全性。Turn on security on the server.

在CLASP中新的安全活动New security activities in CLASP

谁能满足这种安全感?Who fulfills this security need?

为了安全牺牲隐私?Sacrificing Privacy for Security?

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使用命令性安全检查。Using imperative security checks.

什么是传输级别的安全性?What is transport-level security?

谨慎乃安全之母。Caution is the mother of security.