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什么是植物园?What is and arboretum?

我们可以去南郊的植物园。We can go to the arboretum in the southern suburb.

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“我们正将这个树木园变成一个露天的生态实验室,”她说。"We're turning the arboretum into an outdoor eco-lab," she says.

提出石山树木园的发展前景设想和建议。Suggestions for the development of Lime Stone Arboretum were made.

常见。广泛分布于树木园池塘及黄河。Common. A widespread species occurring in ponds of Arboretum and the Huanghe River.

事实上,有些参与者被要求在冬季去密歇根州的植物园散步。In fact, some people were assigned to walk in the arboretum during a Michigan winter.

美国国家植物园位于华盛顿北部,绿化面积180公顷。The Arboretum covers 180 hectares of green space in the northeast part of Washington.

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植物园在华盛顿的东北面覆盖180公倾绿地。The Arboretum covers 180 hectares of green space in theNorthEastnortheast part of Washington.

介绍鼎湖山树木园的位置、气候条件等基本情况和建设规划。The location, climate and mast plan of Dinghushan Arboretum were described in this paper also.

渔护署已进行迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。AFCD have conducted ex-situ conservation. Living specimens are cultivated in the Shing Mun Arboretum.

此外,渔护署已进行迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。AFCD had conducted ex-situ conservation and living specimens are displayed in the Shing Mun Arboretum.

此外,渔护署已进行迁地保护,采种育苗,城门标本林内有栽培。Ex-situ conservation has also been adopted and living specimens are displayed in the Shing Mun Arboretum.

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渔护署已进行迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。Ex-situ conservation has also been conducted and living specimens are planted in the Shing Mun Arboretum.

渔护署已进行迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。Ex-situ conservation has also been conducted. Some living specimens are planted in the Shing Mun Arboretum.

植物园的恢复将是一个长期的并以选择性的清理被破坏的景观。Restoration of the Arboretum will be a process that begins with selective clearing of the disturbed landscape.

在佛罗里达州,有好多开花植物,受到麦基恩先生的喜爱,因此也构成了该植物园的基本树种。The many flowering trees of Central Florida, known to be a favorite of Mr. McKean, dominate the design of the arboretum.

同意为在华盛顿国立树木园成功建设“中国园”继续努力。Are to continue working toward a successful construction of a Chinese garden at the National Arboretum in Washington, D. C.

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随后,植物园将洛克搜集的种子分配给北美和欧洲的植物学、园艺学机构。The Arboretum distributed the seeds Rock collected to botanical and horticultural institutions in North America and in Europe.

她曾在弗吉尼亚州的国家植物园、利斯堡的奥特兰和谢南多厄河大学从事园艺和设计课程的教育工作。She has taught gardening and design classes at the State Arboretum of Virginia, Oatlands in Leesburg, and Shenandoah University.

当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and Europe.