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口出恶言,加禁一周。Add another week for blasphemy.

这僭妄的话,现在你们都听见了。Look, now you have heard the blasphemy

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这僭妄的话,现在你们都听见了。behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy.

此次亵渎神明的控告的意义在哪儿?What is the significance of a blasphemy charge?

亵渎指控并不只是来自穆斯林。Blasphemy charges are not leveled only by Muslims.

既然已经骂开了,他索性也不道歉。Since he had made the blasphemy he did not apologize.

巴基斯坦的亵渎神明法发端于殖民时代。Pakistan's blasphemy laws date back to the colonial era.

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对于她来说,在家还要化妆简直天理难容。For her, wearing make up at home is tantamount to blasphemy.

它的存在十分广泛,其中包括土语、行话、隐语、暗语、黑话、禁语。It covers a wide linguistic scope, including local dialect, jargon, cant, and blasphemy.

教会和宗教组织控诉这部影片的亵渎内容并企图将其禁映。The church and religious groups accused the film of blasphemy and attempted to get it banned.

手里捧着一捧冰冷的水,他害怕地抬头看了看,可他心里默默的亵渎之语,并没有受到什么惩罚。He looked up fearfully from his chill handful of water, but his silent blasphemy went unpunished.

这是亵渎的最高水平像国王尼姆罗德谁建造了巴别塔的几天老。This is blasphemy of the highest level like King Nimrod who built the tower of Babel in the days of old.

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拥有随意脱口而出,自由的概念,听在柏拉图耳中却像是一种亵渎。The idea of having the liberty to say whatever comes to our lips sounds to Plato like a kind of blasphemy.

后来她也成了唯理论者,这被当时上流社会的许多人看做是对上帝的亵渎行为。She became a rationalist herself , at a time when this considered by many in polite society to be blasphemy.

写作,使得世界变轻松---通过编纂、歪曲、粉饰、赞美它---几近亵渎。Writing, in making the world light — in codifying, distorting, prettifying, verbalizing it — approaches blasphemy.

被诬告亵渎罪的基督教女孩已和家人逃至加拿大,开始了新的生活。Christian girl who was falsely accused of blasphemy in Pakistan has fled to Canada with her family to start a new life.

兽就开口向神说亵渎的话,亵渎神的名,并他的帐幕,以及那些住在天上的。And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

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你要留意,不要阅读异学说的著作,因为它们除了使亵渎之灵武装起来反对你之外,不会给你带来任何利益。Beware of reading the doctrines of heretics for they, more than any thing else, can arm the spirit of blasphemy against you.

警方认为这起枪杀和塔西尔试图改革亵渎法这一备受争议的做法不无关联。Police say Salman Taseer, 56, was assassinated because of his controversial campaign to reform the country's blasphemy laws.

此为作者出版于1896年的一部科幻小说,作者自称是“年轻时代对上帝亵渎的练习”。The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, who called it "an exercise in youthful blasphemy".