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他约略谈到了那件事。He adverted briefly to that.

济慈所作之诗虽简洁却不失为壮丽。Keats sang briefly but gloriously.

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我能简短地引用另一个例子吗?Can I cite another example briefly?

奥立佛凝神舐了一舐大拇指。Oliver wet his great thumb briefly.

让我们考虑一下他的建议。Let's consider briefly his suggestion.

她对这些问题作了简要的答复。She responded briefly to the questions.

韦斯特留下了做了一个闲职—球队顾问。West briefly stayed on as a consultant.

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关于那个问题他只略略说了几句。He touched only briefly on that question.

让我们对这些技术简单地总结一下。Let's briefly summarise these techniques.

Sata也短暂地暂停了铜的出口。Sata also briefly suspended copper exports.

他简要地谈及当天的新闻。She adverted briefly to the news of the day.

这里必须把这些原因说一说,即使简单地说一说也好。These causes must be stated, though briefly.

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然后也对调试做做讲解。And we're going to talk briefly about testing.

简要介绍伊利格瑞生平及其作品。Irigaray and her works are briefly introduced.

理想气体温标的基础。So, let's talk about that briefly today first.

本文将简单描述所有这些组件。All these components will be briefly described.

目前,我简要地谈论我说的是什么意思。For now, let me talk briefly about what I mean.

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我想简要地表示我的感激之情。I want to express my appreciation very briefly.

最后,略述未来的工作计划。The last part outlined the future work briefly.

我闭了一下双眼,愿上帝助我,我默祷。I closed my eyes briefly. God help me, I prayed.