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这篇文章短小精悍。This article is short and pithy.

写出简练而带有情报性的标题是一种艺术形式。Writing pithy and informative titles is an art form.

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去掉“穿靴戴帽”的东西,尽量做到语言简洁。You should get rid of the clichés and try to make it pithy.

他的内心世界就是普通人的世界,只不过更饱满更含蓄有力。His private world is that of common men, but ampler and more pithy.

请问,你援引那位去世已久的挪威哲学家的精辟言论是在向人求救吗?Is that pithy quote from a long-dead Norwegian philosopher a cry for help?

但老狼已经从小猴口中骗取了马兰花的口诀。Unfortunately the wolf demon had cheated little monkey of the pithy formula.

当时,这个关于欧美差异的精辟概括成为一句至理名言。At the time, this pithy summary of US-European differences had the ring of truth.

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一旁的玲珑则给石敢当打气,并且背诵阿福开枪的一些口诀。There are exquisite stone I dare bulging, and recite phooey shoot some a pithy formula.

你必须写罕见的但是很长,或者常见的但是精炼,或者其他介于这两者之间的文章吗?Should you write infrequent but long posts, or frequent but pithy ones, or something in between?

我国新疆地区流传的阿凡提故事,形式短小精悍,内容风趣幽默。Afanti stories which spread in Xinjiang , China have short and pithy form , charming and witty content.

一些最流行的人造句子是对圣经内容简练的意译,或是一些民间智慧。Some of the most popular faux verses are pithy paraphrases of biblical concepts or bits of folk wisdom.

最终得出结论,简译是字幕翻译的主要策略。The clear conclusion is that to reach a pithy style is a general strategy in film subtitle translation.

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所以无上瑜伽的口诀是“空,不要有自己的动作,童言无忌”。Hence, the pithy formula of utmost yoga is "empty, no your own actions and ignorance as child's babble".

第二部分,分析云锦的艺术特色、历史文化内涵以及云锦技艺口诀。The second part analyses the original of Brocade, the characteristic of Brocade art and the pithy formula.

只消用Google搜几次,迅速点几次超链接,我想要的那些颇具说服力的事实和简练的引用就到手了。A few Google searches, some quick clicks on hyperlinks, and I’ve got the telltale fact or pithy quote I was after.

帮帮忙,你好,这太折磨人了。我怎样才能精辟准确地介绍肉桂果物?Help. Hi. This is torture. How am I supposed to come up with something pithy and dynamic to say about cinnamon blends?

上述评论提炼出了国会委员会、科学小组和商业团体得出的众多报告的实质内容。This was a pithy summary of a mountain of reports from congressional committees, scientific panels and business groups.

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马兰花只为善良勤劳的人而开花,老狼拿着马兰花念口诀,电闪雷鸣、什么也没有变出来。Malan flower only blossoms for diligent people. Wolf demon read the pithy formula while nothing happened but thunderstorm.

丽妍雅集拥有优雅的环境,会所由香港著名室内设计师打造,简洁典雅,充满欧陆风情。RUBIS has a tranquil environment designed by Hong Kong Famous interior designer, pithy and elegant, full of European aroma.

其处理方法可以用中国决策者喜欢用的思想提炼总结为四字短语。Its approach was summed up in the pithy four-character phrases into which Chinese policymakers love to distil their thinking.