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实施的效力。Effectiveness of enablement.

简约、高雅和效率。Simplicity, elegance and effectiveness.

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他们的方法特点是有效。Their method is marked by effectiveness.

我承诺过效率与效益。I promised efficiencies and effectiveness.

文辞不当削弱了他演讲的渲染力。Bad diction marred the effectiveness of her speech.

婴儿急腹痛干预措施的有效性。The effectiveness of Interventions for Infant Colic.

最后的这点是针对效能实验说的。This last point speaks to the test of effectiveness.

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一是增强肃贪防贪的功效。First is to strengthen anti-corruption effectiveness.

我们如何判断我们的政治家的能效?How do we judge the effectiveness of our politicians?

排名是衡量整体效能的最好的方式。Rank is the best wayto measure overall effectiveness.

你认为自然醒方法的有效程度是?。How do think the effectiveness of waking up naturally?

你认为别人叫醒方法的有效程度是?。How do think the effectiveness of being waked up other?

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如何测量有效性将是另一个挑战。Measuring that effectiveness will be another challenge.

仿真结果证实了所述方法的有效性。The simulations thow the effectiveness of the approach.

这个测量可以当作测试效力的指示器。This measure may be an indicator of test effectiveness.

虽然带来的总效用仍然是增加的。Although bring total effectiveness is remained increase.

然而禁止飞行的效果是有争议的。The effectiveness of Deny Flight, however, is debatable.

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你的演说效果在于你的用字是否得当。The effectiveness of your speech depends on your diction.

论文使用网络仿真器NS-2验证了方案的有效性。The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by NS-2.

检讨讼费核算小组的运作及成效。To review the effectiveness and operation of Costing Unit.