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这位滑冰者完成了一次三周单腿旋转。The skater executed a triple pirouette.

以下是一些基本的自旋转动作。The following is some basic pirouette based maneuvers.

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为了更加形象化,想像一下溜冰时旋转的场景吧。To picture this, imagine an ice skater doing a pirouette.

苏茜喜欢用脚尖在房间之间旋转。Suzy likes to pirouette from room to room on her tippy toes.

这也意味着大象不能跳,跳芭蕾就更别想了。It also means they cannot jump, which rules out the pirouette.

结束时机体保持自旋水平直线飞行。Exit by flying away straight and level while continuing to pirouette.

她缓缓地转身做了一个足尖旋转,见到我站在门口。She turned around in a slow pirouette and saw me standing in the doorway.

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她花了整整半步骤,并提出了非常旋转和紧握她的手在她面前。She took a half step and made a pretty pirouette and clasped her hands before her.

死亡是一个活着的人不断回忆的一种痛苦,而对死去的人却不会这样。Death is a bitter pirouette of which alive people keep memories and dead people don't.

刘金说他只是在旋转时脚尖出了一点问题而已。Liukin said she made a small error on a release move, then had trouble with a pirouette.

完成侧滚的动作后,机体保持自旋水平直线飞行。Exit by completing the roll and fly away straight and level while continuing to pirouette.

如何做一个正确的回旋时芭蕾舞学习技术在这个自由舞蹈课视频。Learn techniques on how to do a correct pirouette when ballet dancing in this free dance lesson video.

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当马结束定后肢半迴旋回到原来的蹄迹线时,后肢不可以交叉。When the horse exits the half- pirouette it returns to the initial track without crossing the hind legs.

然后试着翻180度。从正飞自旋转开始,以倒飞自旋转结束。Then try to flip 180 degree by starting with an upright pirouette and finishing with an inverted pirouette.

目前我们仍不清楚的是,是否将相同的神经机制加以扩大,就可以执行像足尖旋转这样优雅曼妙的动作。What has remained unclear is whether these same neural mechanisms scale up to enable maneuvers as graceful as, say, a pirouette.

九十岁的外祖父用脚跟转了一个身,上足了发条似的继续说The grandfather executed a pirouette on his eighty-year-old heels, and began to talk again like a spring that has broken loose once more

自旋转已经成为当今3D动作的重要组成部分。以下是一些基本的自旋转动作。它们简单但看起来很酷。相信你会喜欢它们的。Pirouetting has become an integral part of 3D maneuvers. The following is some basic pirouette based maneuvers. They are simple and look very cool. You will like them.

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裁判T希望看到由行M中的自旋翻B接在一起成精_的筋斗,自旋翻的速度M可能的快,完成的自旋翻越多越好。The judges will be looking for an accurate, round, loop made from a travelling chaos. The Chaos pirouette rate should be fast and the more chaoses through the loop the better.

但是我们的汽车出人意料地表演了一下脚尖舞,一头冲进树丛里,这回是我们需要接受逃生教育了。The gentle pirouette our truck then unexpectedly performed, ending with its nose in what Australians describe as "natural bush" was simply further education, only this time for us.