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我现在很痛。I'm in horrible pain.

场面非常可怖。It's a horrible scene.

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真是个可怕的短语。What a horrible phrase.

他那样子实在是让我发憷。He looks horrible to me.

他真是个没法守时的人。He's horrible with time.

我认为这样做是令人恐怖的。I think that’s horrible.

这些鱼闻起来很糟糕。The fish smells horrible.

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路上太堵了。The traffic was horrible.

这种咖啡难喝极了。The coffee tasted horrible.

那可怕的消息使她很苦恼。The horrible news broke her up.

他可能遇到可怕的残酷待遇。He might suffer horrible cruelties.

她一点都不健谈。She ‘s a horrible conversationalist.

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因缺爱而死,那是不堪设想的。To die for lack of love is horrible.

擦伤会留下疤吗?好恐怖。Can abrade leave scar? Very horrible.

这种可怕的气味让我恶心。I was repulsed by the horrible smell.

老人照顾中心有这麽可怕吗?Is the Elder-care Center so horrible?

这个状况真恐怖。Oh,this is what a horrible situation.

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但她对唱歌和跳舞实在是一窍不通。But she's a horrible singer and dancer.

他们流血的程度真是可怕。The bleeding of that army was horrible.

关节发出可怕的咔咔声。What a horrible creaking of the joints.