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珠宝首饰店。Jewelry store.

宠物沃卢商店。Pet Valu store.

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买商店的自产商品。Buy store brands.

你可以储存它。You can store it.

我得到了戏院的赠票。I've got a nice store.

这个商店的东西都是一种价。It's a one-price store.

地藏王菩萨啊!Earth Store Bodhisattva!

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礼服出租店。The tuxedo rental store.

欢迎来到我的玩具店。Welcome to my toy store.

他们闯入他的店里。They broke into his store.

我们可以在阿姆斯特丹给船补给。We can store in Amsterdam.

这间店卖点什么呢?What does this store sell?

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从金宝贝零售商店。From Gymboree Retail Store.

用塑料盒储存。Store in plastic container.

那家水果店关门了。The fruit store has closed.

这家水果店关门了。The fruit store has closed.

这里是大江食品店。This is Dajiang Food Store.

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这家店是我祖父开的。This store was my Grampa's.

感恩地藏王菩萨!To Earth Store Bodhisattva!

你指的是那家珠宝店?You mean the jewelry store.