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然后要做个插值方案。And then an interpolation scheme.

然后我们就可以利用。And then we need an interpolation scale.

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使用插值算法,实现折线的平滑。Use interpolation algorithm to achieve a smooth dogleg.

域道内插具有速度快、效率高的特点。Trace interpolation in F-K domain is fast and efficient.

虚点是否可以用作插值?Indicate whether ghost points may be used for interpolation.

该插补算法简单,编程容易实现。The interpolation features simple algorithm and easy programming.

采用三次样条曲线插值角膜的内外表面。Cubic splines interpolation was used to get smooth corneal surface.

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该方法的主要数学工具是双线性插值。The main mathematical tool of this method is bilinear interpolation.

等值线的寻找用的线性插值的方法。The tracing method of isoline used in program is linear interpolation.

着重介绍了高程点内插的算法。Emphatically introduce the algorithm of altimetric point interpolation.

由此方法还导出了保形有理三次B样条插值曲线。A shape preserving rational cubic B-spline interpolation curve is derived.

可以看出扩展特征值法比标准乘幂法优越。Can see that extended interpolation method is superior than standard power.

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在本文中,我们提出适应性预测及内插方法。In this thesis, we present an adaptive prediction and interpolation method.

设置插值计算的等级,用于缩放和其它变换操作。Sets the level of interpolation used for scaling and other transformations.

研究限制在光滑曲面Σ上的曲线插值问题。The interpolation with a curve restricted on smooth surface Σ is concerned.

使用球状四角插入方式,在四元数之间进行插入。Interpolates between quaternions , using spherical quadrangle interpolation.

同时比较了分段线性插值加递归的信道估计方法。It is compared with the segment linear interpolation method with regression.

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针对这一常见问题,采用基于MSE拟合、双线性插值的方法对拍摄图像进行校正。This paper gives a solution which is based on MSE and bilinear interpolation.

目前,一般都采用传统牛顿插值算法来实现。At present, the traditional Neuton interpolation algorithm is used for zooming.

本文采用相位移加插值的方法实现了三维一步法偏移。One-pass 3-D migration can be achieved by using phase shift plus interpolation.