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斐贝人正在朝这个目标一步步去努力。People are in this ophir the target to work on.

我必使人比精金还少、使人比俄斐纯金更少。I will make man scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir.

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我必使人比精金还少、使人比俄斐纯金更少。I will make mortal man scarcer than pure gold And mankind than the gold of Ophir.

要将你的珍宝丢在尘土里,将俄斐的黄金丢在溪河石头之间。Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.

Ophir将弹性成像描述为测量及描绘机体组织弹性的方法。Ophir describes elastography as a way to measure and picture the elasticity of body tissue.

他们到了俄斐,从那里得了四百二十他连得金子,运到所罗门王那里。They sailed to Ophir and brought back 420 talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.

希兰的船队从俄斐运了金子来,又从俄斐运了许多檀香木和宝石来。Moreover hiram's fleet which carried gold from ophir brought a great many almug trees and precious stones.

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他们同着所罗门的仆人到了俄斐,得了四百五十他连得金子,运到所罗门王那里。These, with Solomon's men, sailed to Ophir and brought back four hundred and fifty talents of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.

为了解释弹性成像,Ophir把机体比作一张弹簧垫,但“一张由数百万个小弹簧组成的夸张垫子,并且每个弹簧都略有差别。To explain elastography, Ophir likens the body to a box-spring mattress, but "a crazy mattress made out of millions of small springs and each one is a little different."

Ophir说,相对于传统超声图像,在弹性成像系统中乳腺癌显露更多,可能因为弹性成像能“看见”肿瘤周围的瘢痕组织。Breast cancer shows up larger on an elastogram than it does on a traditional ultrasound image, perhaps because the elastogram can "see" the scar tissue around the cancer, Ophir said.