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艾丹竭尽他的演技才能来追求漂亮的塔拉。Aidan turns all his thespian charm on the beautiful Tara.

如果你喜欢在戏剧里表演,参加你学校的戏剧的俱乐部。If you enjoy acting in plays, join your school's thespian club.

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这位女演员第一次试镜就展现出戏剧天分。The actress demonstrated thespian talents at her first audition.

她喜欢戏剧表演,而且还加入了学校的戏剧社团。She enjoys acting in plays and joined the school's thespian club.

因此,后人也称这后三部交响曲为“悲剧三部曲”。Therefore, the last three symphonies are called "thespian trilogy".

若是你喜欢戏剧献技,就加退学校的戏剧社团。If you enjoy representing in plays join your school's thespian club.

戏剧演员认为剧场是最令人兴奋的。The thespian players think that the theater is thoroughly thrilling.

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当谈及到优秀的戏剧艺术时,日本一点也不缺乏。When it comes to outstanding thespian arts, Japan suffers no dearth.

伦敦是一座文学城市,是一座戏剧城市,是一座大学城市。London is city of a literature, it is a Thespian city, it is town of a college.

柜门的开合,交替上演着虚与实的戏剧。Of cupboard door close, what performing empty and fact alternately is Thespian.

但他说,机器人演员的研发有助于推进机器人制造这一尖端产业的发展。But he said a thespian android was useful in promoting the cutting-edge industry.

书法班、架子鼓班、古筝班、戏剧表演班等。Calligraphy class frame beat class ancient kite class thespian performance class.

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女性作为历史场景中的第二性,本身就是一种悲剧性的存在。The female is a kind of thespian existence per se as the second sex in a view of history.

他们的生活,有时就如戏剧一般,寻求刺激,暗示性强。Their life, be like sometimes Thespian and general, seek stimulation, allusive sex is strong.

出生于演艺世家使凯特在很小的时候便接触到了演艺事业。Having been born to a thespian family, Kate was exposed to the acting business at an early age.

作为一个有抱负的演员,他在进入剧院出演一些小角色之前,曾经在一个冰激凌店工作。As an aspiring thespian he worked at an ice-cream parlour before moving on to a series of minor roles in the theatre.

她是奥斯卡最佳女主角,是英国演艺界倍受拥戴的人物,尽管她已到了“可领退休金”的年龄。She is an Oscar-winning actress and as such the current toast of Britain's thespian community, despite her pensionable age.

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回到高三那年,吴吉参与的戏剧社因后继无人,而面临被关闭的命运。Return that years 3 tall, the Thespian company that Wu Ji enlists because succeed unmanned, and face the destiny that is shut.

那么中国企业只能坐等这种悲剧性的命运一遍一遍的在自己、在同行身上重演吗?So Chinese enterprise can do this plant sit back and wait Thespian destiny in oneself , repeat on body of person of the same trade?

阿黛尔也未必只有悲情气质,她被曝出已签约出演一部新电影的反派间谍。这部电影匪夷所思地还有大腕大卫·贝克汉姆和艾尔顿·约翰的加盟。Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film, which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John.