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柴克没兴趣去露营。Zack had no interest in going camping.

乔西、伊芙、辛蒂、扎克和彼特走进来。Josie, Eve, Cindy, Zack and Pete walk in.

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你说你昨晚在家照顾罗比和扎迦利,是吗?You said that you baby-sat for Robbie and Zack last night, right?

除了聘用了严之外,该律所还将一名顾问,扎克·董从北京调至上海。In addition to recruiting Yan, the firm is relocating one counsel, Zack Dong, from Beijing.

目前,他和爱妻朱迪斯、爱子扎克一同生活在纽约的哈德逊河附近。Dan lives with his wife, Andrew Lost author Judith Greenburg, and his son, Zack on the Hudson River.

扎克和约翰是友敌。他们在办公室相处得不错,同时又在团队内部相互竞争。Zack is John's frenemy. They get along in the office but both of them work on internal competing teams.

扎克和约翰是友敌。他们在办公室相处的不错,同时又在团队内部相互竞争。Zack is John's frenemy. They get along in the office but both of them work on internally competing teams.

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他教给扎克练习停球的训练被我们取名为“鸡蛋练习”。He taught Zack how to practice absorbing a ball via this painfully repetitive drill we lovingly coined "The Egg Drill".

Zack和同事们结合了两个时间段的研究结果,以评估精神困扰发病在地理上的差异。Zack and his colleagues combined survey results from the two periods to assess geographic patterns in perceived mental distress.

在俄亥俄州代表斯佩斯的广告中,他指责他的共和党对手,称其把俄亥俄州的就业机会都给了中国。Ads aired in favor of Ohio representative Zack Space accuse his Republican opponent, Bob Gibbs, of sending Ohioans' jobs to China.

在切割尸骨之时,Zack不小心把一种致命病菌释放了出来,导致大家都只能在隔离环境中过圣诞了。While cutting into the bones of the man, Zack accidentally releases a deadly fungus, that causes the team to be quarantined over Christmas.

扎克说她表现有点压抑,还需要注意发音,但是她是这一季中声音条件最好的选手之一。Zack said that she was holding back and that she needs to watch her diction but that she is one of the best voices on the show this season.

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如果你想知道为什么云的犹豫告诉扎克,如果他知道蒂或不,这是因为在几年前,云离开他的村庄。If you're wondering why Cloud's hesitant to tell Zack if he knows Tifa or not, it's because a couple years back before Cloud left his village.

然而因为Capcom在开发Wii的第三方游戏宝岛Z上做出了英勇的努力,两家公司的关系变得比预期的好多了。However, with Capcom making a valiant effort at third part Wii developing with Zack &Wiki, do expect better relations between the two companies.

是一位希腊前国脚和职业运动员让扎克领会了大量反复进行单调无趣的“停触球”训练的好处。Then there was the former Greek National team and professional player who introduced Zack to the religion of over practicing the most mundane 'touch' drills.

我们从现有资料中举一反四,但这些都只意味着预告片将比那部根据漫画改编的又扎克·施耐德的影片先放映。We put two and two together and got four, which can only mean that the Trek trailer will be playing in front of select prints of the Zack Snyder comic book adaptation.

2000年春天,我的朋友和前同事扎克·埃克斯利抵达华盛顿特区,观察研究在世界银行年会期间将这座城市都吞没的抗议活动。In the Spring of 2000, my friend and former colleague Zack Exley arrived in Washington, DC, to observe the protests that had engulfed the city during the World Bank's annual meeting.

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一位前英格兰职业球员帮助了容易兴奋紧张有完美主义倾向的扎克学会了“放松”,感受足球的乐趣,在比赛不尽如人意时保持乐观和专注。The former English professional player who helped high-strung, perfectionist Zack to learn to 'relax', have fun, and stay positive and focused especially when the game isn't going your way.