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汞是有毒、人体非必需元素。Mercury is known as a toxic and unessential element.

这种信仰怎样扫除了生命中所有不重要的东西?In what manner has such a belief swept away all the unessential things of life?

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实际上,在雕塑的时候,一开始就把非本质的东西凿掉了。But in fact, we already remove the unessential things at the start we engrave the statue.

在生意中,我会尽可能的斟酌并减少不必要的开销。With my business, I am going through and eliminating unessential expenses as much as possible.

蔬菜必需元素锌、铜含量比汞、镉、铅、铬、镍等非必需元素含量高。The content of essential metals such as Zn and Cu are higher than unessential metals as Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, etc.

随着科学技术的发展,为了适应高职教育的能力培养目标,计算机绘图在高职制图课中成为必不可少的内容。With the development of science and technology, computer drawing becomes an unessential part in the course of drafting.

所以简单生活就是尽可能地处理掉那些没有必要的和不重要的东西,为重要的东西留存空间。And so to live simply is to rid your life of as many of the unnecessary and unessential things as you can, to make room for the essential.

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新手摄影师通常在他们的照片中加入太多的要素,要把不必要的要素去掉才能提高他们的构图水平。New photographers often include too many elements in their images and can often improve their composition by removing unessential elements.

让不必与会的人可以放心离开,从而保持会议的精简。有一份公开的议程,并严格执行,这是最简单的办法。Keep meetings small by making it safe for unessential people not to attend. A published agenda, rigorously followed, is the easiest way to make nonattendance safe.

近年来稀土资源的不断开发利用增加了稀土元素进入生命体的途径和机会,这使得稀土元素在生命体中的代谢模式受到普遍重视。In recent years, with the exploitation of rare earth resources, this group of biologically unessential elements is becoming closely related with people's daily life.

你可能每个月赚几千美元,却轻易地在非必需品或奢侈品上花个精光,或者你可能每月赚几百美元存几百美元。You may earn thousands of dollars monthly and spend the same amount easily on unessential things or luxuries or earn a couple hundreds and save a few hundreds monthly.

不同的目标用户对自动变速器的看法是不一样的,自动变速器的成功在于它能消除那些不必要的驾驶知识和技巧以及为了学会驾驶所付出的努力。While different users regard the automatic transmission differently, it's successful because it eliminates the need for unessential knowledge, skill, and effort from its target users.