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两个人沉默,没有阳光的教堂里The two were silent in a sunless church

我们爱对方在没有阳光的深渊。We love each other in the sunless abyss.

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多数花卉在没有阳光的地方不能生长。Most flowers will not grow in a sunless place.

我使用欧莱雅的免晒产品已经几年了。I've been using L'oreal sunless tanning products for years.

是生活在这个没有阳光的小镇上的学生中最苍白的。The palest of all the students living in this sunless town.

快速得到最完美的,自然的仿晒棕褐色肤色。Quickly get the most flawless, natural-looking sunless tan ever.

没有爱的生命就象没有阳光的花园,鲜花都将枯萎死亡。A life without it is like a sunless garden where the flowers are dead.

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地球旋转,在一个叫做翼的高地。正在被卷入阴暗的夜之影。Earth spins, And Wing, the high island, is hurled into the sunless shadow of night.

在我忍受着度过又一个缺少阳光的英国冬天时,家乡的信件和明信片雪片般的飞来。While I was enduring another sunless English winter, letters and cards from home streamed in.

他们每个人都像粉笔一样白皙,比生活在这个缺乏阳光的小镇里的任何学生都更苍白。Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of all the students living in this sunless town.

让爱长存心间。没有爱的生活就像百花凋零,暗无天日的花园。Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

让你的心保存著爱,否则,生命就会像一个没有阳光的枯花园林。"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. "— Oscar Wilde.

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在俄罗斯缺少日照的洛沃泽罗,幼儿园的孩子们沐浴在紫外光营造的“虚拟夏天”下。Make-believe summer lasts for a minute or two as kindergarten children in sunless Lovozero bathe in ultraviolet light.

另外,使用特殊的植物选择成长为每个可能的情况和条件,从昏暗的墙壁沙质土壤。Plus, use the special plant selector to grow for every possible situation and condition, from sunless walls to sandy soil.

早晨没有太阳,天空一片灰石板的颜色,冬天的沉闷景色跟他们熟悉的那许许多多早晨一个样。The dawn was sunless , the sky a grey, slate colour, similar in its oppressive, wintry aspect to many other mornings they had known.

豪恩最大的挑战是在2006年的那些日子里,他和他的同伴在冬天没有阳光的日子里从俄罗斯走到北极。Horn's biggest challenge to date came in 2006. He and a fellow adventurer walked from Russia to the North Pole in the sunless winter.

研究人员从热带一种薄荷类植物中发现的化学物质对缺乏阳光照射的皮革以及实验室隔绝阳光的“白皮”鼠都有作用。Researchers have found a chemical from a tropical mint plant that works both as a sunless tanner and as a solar shield in fair-skinned mice.

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演员们停在他们的高跷上,摘下他们的面具,露出他们苍白的脸,惊恐地盯着没有阳光的天空,乌云在聚集。Suspended on their stilts, the actors remove their masks and reveal their off-white faces, staring terrified at a sunless sky, dark clouds congregating.

根据Petro先生的说法,激光传输系统可以在没有太阳光的月球或火星区域上发挥作用,例如在有可能找到水源的火山口内。According to Mr Petro, lasers beamed from landing craft could power rovers in sunless areas of the moon or Mars, such as craters where water might be found.

但在两次委托之间,他们更很喜欢自主出击,去搜寻灵吸怪的前哨甚至是阴暗城市。But between commissions, they are just as likely to strike out on their own, attempting to uncover the location of another mind flayer outpost, or better yet, a sunless city.