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经过四个月的治疗之后,丽索能够工作、做饭和打扫屋子。Four months later, Litho is working, cooking and cleaning.

与项目研发组、光刻组密切合作。Keep close cooperation with project groups and Litho group.

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这可能会导致在一些重的文件正在岩性印刷。This can result in some weightier documents being litho printed.

它是研究柯式印版表面和湿润液的主要工具。It is an important research aid to study the behaviour of damping solutions and litho plate surfaces.

19岁得病的尼扬达第一次出现在医生面前时,都无法自己站稳。Nineteen-year-old Litho was so ill when she first appeared before doctors, she was unable to stand on her own power.

因为「美乐得」粉彩移印纸是没有涂布而直接由原纸生产的高质量纸,适量油墨及油墨吹乾时间的控制是印刷质量的保证。Because Mellotex is a smooth uncoated sheet it requires appropriate inks and drying times when litho printing. Store Mellotex in a dry place.

我们的公司在若干个产品的领域保持领先,包括汽车和引擎部件,建筑系统,包装和板材等等。Our company has a leading position in a number of product areas, including automotive and engine components, building systems, packaging and litho.

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夹紧于柯式印刷机圆筒上的一张物料,用来把印纹从印版转印到承印物上。Blanket A rubber-surfaced sheet clamped around the cylinder of an offset litho printing press which transfers the printing image from plate to substrate.

你的设计在屏幕上看起来不同,不同的当你从你的喷墨打印机打印,如果你收到一个不同的数字证明,不同光刻印刷时。Your design will look different on screen, different when you print from your inkjet printer, different if you receive a digital proof and different when litho printing.

文章从储层特征、岩性特征、气体渗流速度、作业液浸泡等多个角度对气田地层出砂的机理进行了较为全面的分析。The sand producing mechanism of Sebei gas field is analyzed thoroughly with the reservoir features, the litho logy features, the percolation velocity, and the reservoir soaked by working fluid, etc.