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这在经济上是不可行的。It'll be economically unfeasible.

经济上来说,大学值不值?Is college worth it, economically?

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所以,从经济效益上来说,And so it's better economically for the company

山东是经济大省。Shangdong is an economically important province.

经济学上来□,我们正处于「后安然时代」!Economically speaking, we are now in the post-Enron era!

它在经济上和政治上都是精心设计的吗?Was it well-designed, both economically and politically?

因为经济方面有点棘手。because you know, economically it's been a bit difficult.

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这表现出来了经济知识的缺乏以及难以接受的愤世嫉俗。This is economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical.

许多地热资源埋藏的太深,很难经济的开采。Many geothermal sources are too deep to be tapped economically.

伊拉克的库尔德局势很稳定,而且自治,并且经济繁荣。Iraqi Kurdistan is stable, self-ruling and economically vibrant.

这个地区的经济恢复得花几年的时间。It will take a few years for the region to recover economically.

经济强县,即经济发展相对先进的县。Economically strong county means the relatively developed county.

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这是经济方面反生产仇外症的经典案例。It was a classic case of economically counterproductive xenophobia.

城市必须是可控制的、适于居住的、以及经济上可望成功的。Cities have to be made governable, livable, and economically viable.

美国试图在经济和政治上孤立古巴。The US ahs sought to isolate Cuba both economically and politically.

如果说利比亚人是在政治上受压迫,那么这些人是在经济上受纵容。If Libyans were politically oppressed, they were economically pampered.

本文建立了一个经济上站得住的概念性框架对成本进行分类。An economically valid conceptual framework is set out to classify costs.

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另外,还有哪些在经济和社会上类似的国家。Besides which such countries would be economically and socially unviable.

难道绿色环保政策只针对污染或针对经济上不独立存在的行业吗?Is green policy only to be aimed at dirty or economically unviable actors?

重温一下以前的知识产权——一个之前雪藏着的主意,现在或许就能获得经济价值了。Revisit past IP – an idea that’s in storage may now be economically sound.