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孩子们早已吃掉不少食物。Already the children have make considerable inroad on the food.

这表现出了一个新的创新灵感上的巨大进步。It suggests a new innovative inroad of inspiration for fashion.

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至此消息公布之际,对一些政府部门的渗透还在进行中。Whilst this message is being given there has been some inroad in the governmental sectors.

在现实世界里,有现成的法律保护厂商避免受到这类的侵害。In real world, off-the-peg law protects the inroad that the manufacturer prevents this kind to get.

福特公司是在中国经济高涨的情况下力图打进中国的汽车市场的。Ford is making its inroad into China's auto market within the context of the nation's economic surge.

对于那些想要进军民族特色食品市场的公司而言,魏成辉的冷冻食品业务是成熟的收购目标。His frozen-food business would be a ripe target for a company looking to make an inroad into ethnic foods.

为了自身的利益,控股股东可能会凭借其优势地位,侵害中小股东的利益。The ascendancy maybe be used to inroad the profits of shareholders who hold the medial or small stock for themselves interests.

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我所说的是我们都在意的,我的工作要求我是仁爱的并且发现其中的进展。What I'm saying is that we all matter, and it's my job to be a humanist and look at it from that point of view, and find the inroad.

以物质平衡方式和不定态水侵公式等油藏工程理论为基础,得出无水期采收率和油藏见水时间的计算公式。This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation, educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time.

除了亚太地区潜在的“主场优势”以外,Comac与Ryanair航空公司的关系可以增加其在欧洲市场的影响力。Aside from any potential "home field" advantage in the Asia-Pacific region, Ryanair's relationship could add an inroad and extend Comac's influence in the European market.

落叶松林、樟子松林经严重烧伤和中度烧伤后,蛀干害虫侵入快,被害株率和虫口密度都高。In the seriously and medially burnt larch and scotch pine stand, the secondary insects inroad more quickly and the damage rate and insect population density are all higher.

三环唑主要是抑制孢子萌发和附着孢形成,从而有效地阻止病菌侵入和减少稻瘟病菌孢子的产生。Tricyclazole mostly control spore bourgeon and restrain accrete-spore formed, thereby effectively prevent germina inroad and reduce piricularia leaf spot of rice produce spore.

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他们热衷于佩戴由18K金或铂金这些传统金属制成的普通婚戒,但钯金这个元素由于价格比黄金和铂金要便宜,所以或多或少会影响黄金和铂金戒指的销售。They tend to have plain wedding rings in the traditional metals, 18-carat gold or platinum, although palladium is making a little bit of an inroad into that situation due to price.

相似的,SDR手机在2010年能袭卷整个市场,并从2015年起占据整个市场,然而,研究者们必须首先克服几个源自系统复杂性的研发难题。Similarly, SDR cell phones are expected to make an inroad in 2010 and to dominate from 2015 on. However, researchers must first overcome several R&D challenges that stem from the system's complexity.