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这儿的土够肥的。The soil here is quite fertile.

这片肥沃的土地上长什么都行。Anything grows in this fertile ground.

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一个被山包围的肥沃的山谷。A fertile valley surrounded by mountains.

瓦房店拥有富饶的海产资源。Wafangdian owns fertile marine resources.

然而,潜在的土壤也许是肥沃的。Yet the underlying ground may be fertile.

边缘地是革新肥沃的温床。Edges are fertile seedbeds for innovation.

植物在肥沃的土壤里茂盛生长。The plants luxuriated in the fertile soil.

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他们认为这样做,女人更能生育。They believed this would make them fertile.

土沃而流,水清而不迫。The soil is fertile and the water is limpid.

山谷缓缓地斜向一处肥沃的平原。The valley declined gently to a fertile plain.

茶树在这片肥沃的山地上长得很好。Tea grows well in these fertile mountain fields.

丰富的意思是裂变的铀。Fertile meaning the none fissionable uranium 235.

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这块肥腴的土地,孕育着庄稼人的希望!This fertile land bears the hopes of the farmers.

而肥饶的泥土却沾满著尟血。And the fertile soil will be saturated with blood.

我希望维护一个良好的学习环境。I want to maintain a fertile learning environment.

直到到了沃野,他们便决定停下。Until to the fertile fields, they decided to stop.

他们排干沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。They drain the swamp and turn it into fertile land.

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贫瘠的土地已改成良田。The barren land has been turned into fertile fields.

城市的无节制扩张侵占了东部的良田。Urban sprawl is paving over fertile land in the East.

沙漠在不断地侵蚀肥沃土地。The desert continually encroaches on the fertile land.