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花朵是珍珠般的淡紫色。The flowers are pearly mauve.

穿紫红色衣服成亲是种风俗。It is a custom to get married in a mauve dress.

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新生的光梗蒺藜草幼苗其基部叶鞘呈紫红色。The basal part of the renascent seedling is mauve.

初夏时节,它开出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer.

照片中,塔斯马尼亚的罗斯桥被笼罩在落日淡紫色的余晖中。Here, Ross Bridge in Tasmania is cloaked in a mauve sunset.

这株木兰,在钮扣里的红紫色的花,花白色。The flower of this magnolia, mauve in button, blooms white.

摩金夫人是一位矮胖的,和善的,穿着一身紫色的女巫。Madam Malkin was a squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve.

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如果你把它装在玻璃容器里,它会把玻璃变成紫红色或淡紫色。If you shut it in glass, it would turn the glass mauve or violet.

如果你把它装在玻璃容器里,它会把玻璃变成紫红色或淡紫色。If you shut it in glass, it would turn the glass mauve or violet.

欧亚杂草开黄色淡紫色或白色花和承窝的果实。Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits.

调制出的颜色从肉皮儿颜色粉和浅玄色到更强烈的淡紫色。Modulated colours from skin pink and paler shades to a more intense mauve.

花瓣白色,通常具淡紫色充满,带状,大,分别下垂的。Petals white , often with a mauve suffusion , lorate , large , falling separately.

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随着暮色降下,火车边的土地由淡紫色转为黑色。As the dusk thickened, the tilled earth beside the train turned from mauve to black.

它躲在暗处,到处写满了它的危险和可怕,不过,它呈现的淡紫色到是相当有趣的。It is dangerous and terrifying to behold. It is also a rather interesting shade of mauve.

颜色是暖色系的各式浅棕肌肤色泽,搭配粉白色调的绿、蓝及淡紫红。Colours are warm , skin-like beiges enhanced by whitened pastels of green , blue and mauve.

帕米拉塔茨伯利穿着淡紫色晚礼服,梳着别致的发式,正在打字机上咔嗒咔嗒地打着。Pamela tudsbury clattered away at a typewriter, in her mauve evening dress and fancy hairdo.

但在查氏培养基、马铃薯葡萄糖培养基和牛乳固态培养基中没有紫红色物质产生。However, the strain produced no mauve substance in Czapek's, potato dextrose agar, and milk solid media.

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当日的合计是红色指那员工有更多小时,数字为紫红色指较少小时。The total of the day in red indicates that employee has encoded more hours, numbers in mauve indicates less hours.

它躲在暗处,到处写满了它的危险和可怕,不过,它呈现的淡紫色到是相当有趣的。It is insidious and subtle. It is dangerous and terrifying to behold. It is also a rather interesting shade of mauve.

一种欧洲兰花,叶披针状、有紫色斑点,花色从粉色到白色或紫红色、花上有深红色或紫色斑点或条纹。European orchid having lanceolate leaves spotted purple and pink to white or mauve flowers spotted or lined deep red or purple.