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我想了一下。I bethought myself a moment.

她想出了一个计划。She bethought herself of a plan.

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他决定出国。He bethought himself of going abroad.

约翰已决定学法律。John has bethought himself of studying law.

她想到一个很妙的计划。She bethought herself of an excellent plan.

她牢记自己对家庭的责任。She bethought herself of family obligations.

他已决定学习英语。He has bethought himself of learning English.

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但是,他突然想起来,以掩饰。But suddenly he bethought himself to dissemble.

我突然想起必须写几封信。I bethought myself that I ought to write some letters.

经理想了一下,然后给了我一个回答。The manager bethought himself a moment and gave me an answer.

立刻他想起了他的一个宝贝玩意,赶快把它拿了出来。Presently he bethought him of a treasure he had and got it out.

他不忘自己身为一家之主的责任。He bethought himself of his responsibility as head of the house.

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只是在他走出去以后,罗斯托夫才想到他要向他回答什么话。Rostov only bethought him of what he ought to have answered when he had gone.

于是她就想出一句话来报复他加在她身上的痛苦。And she bethought her of a phrase to pay him back for the pain he had given her.

身后的警车发出尖厉的叫声,杰克逊想到了劫持人质。The shrill voice of the police vehicle was behind them, he bethought of hijacking the hostage.

这时候,狄克突然想起了那个小伙子DD他马马虎虎地向他指路的小伙子,感到一阵难受。Dick bethought him, with something like a pang , of the lad whom he had so imperfectly directed.

然后他们想起了他们的骆驼和驴子,急忙解开包裹,让它们休息。Then they bethought them of their camels and asses, and hastened to undo their burdens that they might have rest.

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还是出于本能,我又不由自主的分心起来,我不记得当时是怎样想到手机里竟然没有你的相片。Absence of mind is also one of my instinct, i forgot how i bethought of that i didn't have your photo in my mobile.

真的不知道他是怎么想的,该不会是认为我一个中国的小女子会把他给吃了吧!Really did not know how he is does think, should not be able to bethought an my China the youngest daughter could give him eats!

因此她最后让自己说出口的,还是完全不同的话,它回避了她真正需要面对的危机。What she finally bethought herself of saying was something very different-something that deferred the need of really facing her crisis.