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目前他们都住在白金汉郡。They both currently live in Buckinghamshire.

“曼德维尔”则受到白金汉郡的斯托克曼德维尔的启发。Mandeville's name is inspired by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire.

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伊顿,位于伦敦附近的白金汉郡,泰晤士河边的一个市镇,伊顿公学的所在地。Eton, on Buckinghamshire nearby London, a town beside Thames, the seat of Eaton College.

这些硬盘本来是要送往白金汉郡海威科姆的皇家空军司令总部。They were due to be transferred to the RAF's air command headquarters at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.

这些硬盘本来是要送往白金汉郡海威科姆的皇家空军司令总部。They were due to be transferred to the RAF's air command headquarters at High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire.

下周在白金汉郡召开的皇家学会会议上,她将详细介绍这一新职务的使命。She will set out the details of her proposed new role at a Royal Society conference in Buckinghamshire next week.

1976年,丘吉尔与联合股份公司首次与光闪亮的白金汉郡。In 1976, Churchill partnered with the Joint Stock Company for the first time with Light Shining in Buckinghamshire.

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萨里郡的东边是伦敦市区,北边是伯克夏郡和白金汉郡,南边则是汉普郡、苏塞克斯、和肯特郡。Surrey is bordered by Greater London to the east, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire to the north and Hampshire, Sussex and Kent to the south.

比如在富裕的白金汉郡,赫特福德郡和其他地区,青少年饮酒和嗑药的比例也在平均值以下,不过不如伦敦那么低。Wealthy counties like Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire also have below-average rates of youthful drink and drug abuse, although not as low as London's.

英国白金汉郡艾尔斯伯里的一个小火车站屡屡接到投诉电话称火车售票机无法正常运行,检测后才发现是四只小睡鼠把这台机器当成了自己的家。A family of four Glis dormice were found in the ticket machine on the platform of a little train station in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire after complaints it had stopped working.

为促进红牛极限摩托车赛,英国摩托车手克里斯•伯奇在英国白金汉郡北部斯托花园,驾车从正在花园喝午茶的几名演员头顶飞过。In a promotion for the Red Bull X-Fighters World Tour, British motocross rider Chris Birch soars through the air as actors take afternoon tea in front of the Stowe House in North Buckinghamshire.

这场音乐会是为了纪念这座由他们共同创建的音乐厅成立40周年而特意举办的。His wife, the singer Cleo Laine, announced his death from the stage during a concert to mark the 40th anniversary of the music venue which they founded together next to their home in Buckinghamshire.