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用户体验情节串连图板。User experience storyboard.

使故事板获得股东利益者的赞同Get storyboard approval from the stakeholder

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您可以为每一种场景创建故事板。You can create a storyboard for each scenario.

情节串连板是代码规范的动画版本。A storyboard is the animation version of a code spec.

他们从来没有故事大纲,除了徐克和吴宇森。They never have storyboard except Tsui Hark, John Woo.

这将把故事板向前推进到下一个人工任务。This moves the storyboard ahead to the next human task.

我知道这些是因为我遇到过同样的问题,这是第一个表。I know because I've done it. Now I storyboard first on paper.

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股东利益者和分析师必须理解故事板的范围。Stakeholders and analysts must understand the boundary of the storyboard.

我如何删除显示对象的外部函数的科罗娜啤酒SDK脚本API?How Do I Remove Display Objects in External Functions with Corona SDK Storyboard API?

大体看来,一个故事板就是一系列详细说明用户经验的框架。In essence, a storyboard is a sequence of frames that elaborates the user experience.

同时,对于电影制作方法,他们在情节板上使人物在初步勾画时就生动了!Meanwhile, for the cinematics, they animate the storyboard using rough-draft characters.

故事板是流程模拟的一个方面。A storyboard is an aspect of process simulation. To perform storyboarding, do the following

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你后天就可以把情节图板给制作出来,剧本也可以立刻写出来。Then you can crank out the storyboard the next day, and have a script written up right away.

在您移动通过所有任务之后,单击红色的停止按钮以退出故事板。After you have moved through all the tasks, click the red stop button to exit the storyboard.

美术家在纸上勾画出主角和背景,一幕幕场景接场景的故事脚本。Artists sketch out the characters and backgrounds on paper, in a scene -by- scene storyboard.

我做了一个照片集,里面满是关于奥林匹克的照片和即将举办奥林匹克的城市的照片。I set a storyboard filled with photos of the Olympics and of the city where the games were hosted.

你将浏览的这个故事板实例拥有16个框架,但是构建了五个示意图。The example storyboard that you will walk through has 16 frames, but is built off of five sketches.

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在这个分区范围中,任何对于故事板的限制都应该被识别出来。Within this bounding, any constraints that may be applicable for the storyboard should be identified.

分镜师本顿·朱从最不可能的地方获得灵感,设计出这个像巫师一样的绝地大师。Storyboard Artist Benton Jew found inspiration for this wizardly Jedi Master in a most unlikely source.

在故事板开始之前,确定对故事板的所有限制条件是非常必要的。Before the storyboard begins, it is essential that you identify any constraints applicable for the storyboard.