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他是个十足的势利眼。He was a fearful snob.

昰一件很可怕旳亊情。Is a very fearful matter.

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昰一件狠可怕徳事情。Is av ery fearful matter.

是英国皇家海军可怕的震慑力?Royal Navy's fearful impose?

我只是畏惧遗失你。Inom only fearful of losing you.

哦,可怕的思想!唉唉!在何处。O fearful meditation! Where, alack.

他想要做些可怕的事情。He felt like doing something fearful.

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你怯怯乔乔时,你是黄色的。You are yellow when youwoulre fearful.

他们饥寒交迫、疲惫不堪,经常感到害怕。They were hungry exhausted always fearful.

好德是英怯的,善良历去无所恐惊。Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.

他们饥寒交迫、疲惫不堪,经常感到害怕。They were hungry, exhausted, always fearful.

整整一个星期,牛虻的病都处于严重的状态。FOR a week the Gadfly lay in a fearful state.

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好几个星期我都为那一刻感到后怕。For weeks I'd been so fearful of this moment.

这将使整个罗马卷入一砞膳碌恼秸?。It would involve all Rome ina fearful strife.

这样人们就会担心感染甲型流感。So people bacame fearful of catching H1N1 flu.

他们担心会再次发生商业萧条。They are fearful of another business depression.

抹大拉的马利亚是可怕罪恶的牺牲者。Mary of Magdala was the victim of a fearful evil.

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街垒发出一阵骇人的摧折破裂的声音。A fearful detonation burst forth on the barricade.

很多可怕的蛇和昆虫住在那里。Many fearful snakes and insects live on the planet.

她返回科罗拉多老家时变得畏缩恐惧。She returned home to Colorado cowering and fearful.