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奈生死茫茫无极。Nairobi death boundless non-polar.

以内罗毕的一个社区基贝拉为例。Take Kibera a poor neighborhood in Nairobi.

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斯扎帕里先生后来驾驶飞机在小岛着陆并把他接到了内罗毕。Mr Szapary later landed there and flew him back to Nairobi.

中央省的一些病例是在内罗毕诊断的。Some of the cases from Central Province were diagnosed in Nairobi.

胡锦涛是在结束了对尼日利亚的国事访问后,从阿布贾抵达内罗毕的。Hu arrived in Nairobi from Abuja after concluding his state visit to Nigeria.

1982年,他在内罗毕的一间酒吧内酩酊大醉之后,驱车进入一片树林,饮弹自杀。In 1982 he got drunk at a bar in Nairobi and drove into a tree, killing himself.

她说,我们是内罗毕孔子学院的第一批学生。She said, "We are the first group of students in the Confucius Institute in Nairobi.

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有些在肯尼亚市中心的库房就被发现了,库房属肯尼亚反假冒伪劣署管辖。Some end up in a storeroom in downtown Nairobi run by Kenya's anti-counterfeit agency.

12月的下一轮可能扩大到包括内罗毕及其它高危地区。The next round in December may be expanded to include Nairobi and other high-risk areas.

裂谷和首都纳罗毕周围是最大的营地集中地。The largest concentration of camps is in the Rift Valley and around the capital, Nairobi.

专家们最近在内罗毕举行会议,讨论如何面对干旱造成的粮食短缺。Experts recently met in Nairobi to discuss what to do about food shortages caused by drought.

无家可归多年,现在居住在奈洛比的贫民窟,乔治现在正在学习努力成为是一名汽车修理工。Homeless for years, now living in a Nairobi slum, George is working to become a car mechanic.

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一共有218人在内罗毕的那次爆炸中丧生,其中包括12名美国人,另外约有五千人受伤。In all, 218 people were killed in Nairobi including 12 Americans, and some 5,000 were injured.

一共有218人在内罗毕的那次爆炸中丧生,其中包括12名美国人,另外约有五千人受伤。In all, 218 people were killed in Nairobi including 12 Americans, and some 5, 000 were injured.

目前,土耳其已经开通了飞往沙特阿拉伯、达喀尔、约翰内斯堡、拉各斯和内罗毕的航班。Turkish Airlines now has regular flights to Addis Ababa, Dakar, Johannesburg, Lagos and Nairobi.

尽管在内罗毕接受专科治疗并获得积极的复苏治疗,他最终仍于1月15日死亡。Despite specialized care in Nairobi and aggressive resuscitation attempts, he died on 15 January.

美国国家公共电台再三呼吁并发文给驻内罗毕大使,讨论中国在肯尼亚的角色。NPR made repeated calls and sent texts to the embassy in Nairobi to discuss China's role in Kenya.

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内罗毕的医生把她的两条腿分别从膝盖以下15厘米和8厘米处截去。The doctors in Nairobi had amputated one leg at about 15cm below the knee and the other at about 8cm.

奇普库戈尔在西北地区主要城市的内罗毕经营一家小型电子和计算机商店。Chepkurgor operates a small electronics and computer shop inNakuru, a major city northwest of Nairobi.

但对于居住在内罗毕拥挤贫民窟的孩子们,却没有足够的公立学校。But there are not enough public schools for all the children who lived in the crowded slums of Nairobi.