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精神分析是伪科学。Psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience.

这位教授,事实上在兜售伪科学。The Professor is, in fact, peddling pseudoscience.

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一切脱离物质基础的东西都是伪科学。Everything from the material basis is pseudoscience.

科学家必须大声抗议伪科学。Scientists must protest loudly against pseudoscience.

“我们关心的一个问题是NIH在资助假科学”。One of our concerns is that NIH is funding pseudoscience.

现代科学认为没有一件事是不能批评的。Some critics disparage psychoanalysis as being a pseudoscience.

科学史上唯一的反伪“英雄”李森科就阻碍了苏联遗传学的发展。The only anti- pseudoscience "hero" in the scientific history was T. D.

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这将有助于在科学传播的实践中与反科学和伪科学等作斗争。It also helps struggle against anti-science and pseudoscience during SC.

科学经常犯错,而伪科学也会偶尔触及真理。Science often errs, and that pseudoscience may happen to stumble on the truth.

于光远先生是最早反对伪气功和伪科学的。Mr. Yu Guangyuan is the first to openly expose pseudo-Qigong and pseudoscience. Mr.

你不担心你的同僚们会认为你在搞伪科学么?Aren't you worried that your colleagues will think you have drifted into pseudoscience?

在几轮公开的争论之后,关于伪科学的争论看起来正在逐渐冷却。After several rounds of open arguments, the debate on pseudoscience appears to be cooling.

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龚育之教授从马克思主义的角度,揭露批判伪科学。He has written many books to expose and attack pseudoscience from the perspective of Marxism.

他的逻辑风格气势非凡,闻名于世,这尤其表现在他对某些伪科学进行批判时。He was noted for the vigor of his logic style, especially when criticizing some piece of pseudoscience.

为此,方舟子将“伪科学”的大帽子盖到他自己的头上再也合适不过!For this reason, it is most appropriate for Fang Zhou-zi to apply the hat of " pseudoscience " on to his own head!

那么,波普尔的可证伪性标准解决了科学与伪科学的分界问题吗?Is, then, Popper's falsifiability criterion the solution to the problem of demarcating science from pseudoscience?

“我不能惩罚任何人,”方舟子说道,“所有我能做的事情,就是指出谁在从事伪科学和剽窃。”"I cannot punish anyone," says Fang. "All I can do is just to point out who is doing pseudoscience and plagiarism."

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“伪科学”导致美国食品平淡无味,这是肥胖症成为全国性的灾难的原因。"Pseudoscience" leads to tastelessness of American food, which is the main cause of the national disaster of obesity.

无论冠上什麽名称,AT仍是伪科学,应受到禁止,以免又有儿童因此遭受虐待及杀害。By whatever name, AT remains a pseudoscience . We should ban its practice before it tortures and kills children again.

科学精神是人类对抗一切迷信无知和伪科学的最有效的思想武器。Scientific sprit is the most effective ideological weapon in the confrontation with all superstition and pseudoscience.