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五个冗长乏味的星期过去了。Five weeks drifted tediously along.

时间慢慢地熬过,相当沉闷。The hours drag along, tediously enough.

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但这仍然缓慢沉闷,不过略好。It's still tediously slow, but slightly better.

那时候,削土豆皮这一繁琐的工序完全靠人手操作。At that time, potatoes were tediously peeled and sliced by hand.

我比你更了解这个时代,尽管你又要又臭又长的乱讲一气了。I know the age better than you do, though you will prate about it so tediously.

如果一个人的初恋沉闷且冗长,不知算不算奇怪。If one's first love is oppressive and Tediously long, I wonder it is strange or not.

冗杂的细节轻易地把油画变成了柔软的“白日梦”。These tediously made oil paintings are made to look effortless like soft, hypnotic daydreams.

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在经过烦琐的法律程序后,一个月后艾米坐在民事法官的面前。One month later, after tediously filing piles of paperwork, Amy sat before a judge in family court.

而且,在过去四年中,这个确认过程非常的缓慢。Furthermore, over the past four years, the process of issuing these documents has been tediously slow.

你通常是很沉闷的用鼠标完成的-----点击,然后,还是点击。You ended up doing the work by tediously working the mouse. Pointing and clicking, pointing and clicking.

反之,他们是在一个从未被探索过的数位学习领域里,小心翼翼、诚惶诚恐地摸索著未知的路。Rather, they are carefully and tediously mapping the unknown territory of e-learning that has never been traveled.

部分原因是科学家们一直认为瘙痒是强烈疼痛的一种。This is partly because scientists have tediously traditionally thought that an itch was a less intense form of pain.

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简约主义的主要精神是摒弃繁琐、崇尚简约、强调精粹、重视功能。Minimalism 's spirits mainly are abandon, advocating tediously simple, the emphasising succinct, and taking functions.

因此,许多雇主提供的信息仅局限于一些乏味而毫无帮助的细节,比如名字、职位和日期。As a result, many employers limit all references to a few tediously unhelpful details such as name, job title and dates.

这种业务逻辑下,用MVC框架编程一定是冗长乏味的,而且难以改变、监控和报告。This type of business logic must be coded tediously with an MVC framework making it hard to change, monitor and report on.

这样,就可以避免乏味地点开个别链接查看图片,Listpic用户可以在一个网页上看到很多图片。Instead of tediously clicking individual links to view photos, Listpic users could see them all collected onto a single page.

现在,当你需要找到关于董事会的电子邮件时,不需要在成打的文件夹中乏味地手工寻找。Now, when we need to find email pertinent to the board meeting, we don't have to paw manually and tediously through dozens of folders.

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这家老牌公司守旧的经理拒绝采用电脑化业务机制,仍然偏好枯燥缓慢的纸质流程。The hidebound managers of the old company refused to adopt computer-based business systems and preferred to rely on tediously slow, paper-based procedure.

公务员分类管理后,或者录用了行政执法类公务员后,如何进行制度设计,以为避免过度繁琐?After official sort management, after or hired the administrative law enforcement class official, how to carry on the system design, thought that avoids excessively tediously ?

不过,一般来说,候选人们所表现的是他们宁可依靠令人不胜其烦的陈腔滥调也不愿去了解并面对现实。在经济问题方面,这次辩论完全不及格。In general, though, the candidates showed that they would rather rely on tediously familiar rhetoric than come to grips with reality. On economics, the debated gets an F-minus.