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伯氏疏螺旋体引起莱姆病。B. burgdorferi causes Lyme disease.

结论全沟硬蜱是吉林省莱姆病的主要媒介。Conclusion Ixodes persulcatus was confirmed as Lyme disease vector.

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这张图片显示了莱姆病原体在人类血液中的样子。Here, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease is shown in human blood.

夏----受感染的若虫通过叮咬动物或人来传播莱姆病。Summer----Infected nymph bites animal or person, transmits Lyme disease.

由于现场情况混乱,莱姆一边躲避警方的催泪弹,一边抢拍照片。As the scene of confusion, Lyme while avoiding the police tear gas, while candid photos.

二棘血蜱在传播莱姆病螺旋体上可能起重要作用。Haemaphysalis bispinosa may play a important role in transmission cycle of Lyme disease.

他很幸运地在研究淋巴疾病的科研室找到了一份工作。He is fortunate to have a job in the research lab, where they are studying Lyme disease.

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其中的例子包括众所周知的禽流感,西尼罗河热还有莱姆症。Well known examples of zoonotic diseases are Avian Flu, West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease.

5-13儿童在进行户外活动时,极易被蜱虫叮咬,感染莱姆病,已被列为高风险活动。tick bites and Lyme disease as playing outdoors has been identified as a high-risk activity.

莱姆病系由硬蜱传播包柔螺旋体所引起的一种全身性疾病,可累及眼部多个部位而致视力丧失。Lyme disease is a tick-borne systemic borreliosis involving various parts of the body and the eyes.

从白腹鼠分离出莱姆病螺旋体,在国内外属首次报告。This is a first report that Lyme disease spirochete isolated from Rattus coxingi in the whole world.

有关该地区莱姆病病原学和临床学研究有待进一步进行。The study on lyme disease nosetiology and clinic in related areas are expected to be further carried on.

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重组P39蛋白具有较好的免疫活性,可作为莱姆病新型诊断试剂理想的候选抗原。The recombinant P39 protein may provide a promising candidate antigen for diagnostic usage in Lyme disease.

莱姆病是一种由伯氏疏螺旋体引起的疾病,由硬蜱属的蜱类传播。Lyme disease is a disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete, and spread by ticks of the genus Ixodes.

当然冒牌货还是让一小撮人很不爽,比如这个叫盖尔,凯蒂的英国老女人。来自多西特的莱姆。里吉斯。Yet that copycat feeling has irked some people, not least Gail Caddy from Lyme Regis in Dorset, southwest England.

如被携带莱姆病毒的鹿蜱叮咬,要在两天内清除病毒才能控制疾病感染。If bitten by a Lyme disease-carrying Deer Tick, removal of the tick within 36 hours can reduce the risk of disease.

同种蜱不同地理株在感染和保持莱姆病螺旋体的能力上也没有差异。The same tick species collected from different sites were similarly incapable of maintaining live Lyme spirochetes.

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雷吉斯镇附近有个林子,同样因里面的一条公共小道而遭殃,但它的主人在处理这个问题上毫不犹豫。There is a wood near Lyme Regis, also cursed by a public footpath, where the owner has not hesitated on this point.

然而在被人为改变的生态环境中,白足鼠大量繁殖,与其一起带来的还有携带莱姆病的黑腿壁虱。"The mice increase numbers of both the black-legged tick vector and the pathogen that causes Lyme disease," Ostfeld said.

事实上你可能并没有癌症,艾滋,登革热,莱姆病,伊波拉病,麻风病,或者其它什么能让网络医生有利可图的可怕的病。Or AIDS, dengue fever, Lyme disease, Ebola, leprosy, or any of the other terrifying illnesses that keep WebMD in business.