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涡轮螺桨发动机与涡轮喷气发动机十分相似。The turboprop engine is very much like the turbojet.

涡轮螺旋桨发动机不如喷气发动机驱动飞机那样快。The turboprop engine will not move a plane as rapidly as a jet.

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也有桨发动机,些是涡轮螺旋直升机普遍采用涡轮轴发动机。Also has the oar engine, is the turboprop helicopter uses the turboshaft engine generally.

安东诺夫An-26涡轮螺旋桨式军用运输机,改装于AN-24。The Antonov An-26 is a turboprop military transport aircraft, a modification of the AN-24.

在涡桨发动机中,主要的推力来自螺旋桨,只有一小部分来自喷出的尾气。In a turboprop engine, the main thrust comes from the propeller and only a small proportion from the jet exhaust.

我们的涡桨或活塞飞机生产线达到或超过了公司的内部财务和交付预期目标。Our turboprop and piston aircraft lines are meeting or exceeding the company's internal financial and delivery targets.

涡轮螺旋桨飞机YS-11于1962年开始大量生产,但由于巨额亏损,十年后宣告停产。The YS-11, a turboprop airplane, was rolled out in 1962 but production ceased almost a decade later due to massive losses.

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其设计特点主要包括超安静涡轮螺旋桨发动机,真实视觉窗户,动力为0.55马赫,最大航程为800海里。It features ultra-quiet turboprop engines, virtual reality windows and is designed to fly at Mach 0.55 for 800 nautical miles.

它是世界上第一种大量生产的装备有双涡轮螺旋桨引擎的直升机。It is the first mass production helicopter in the world that was equipped with two turboprop engines with the free power turbine.

除了扮演传统直升机角色外,还具有涡轮螺旋桨飞机的长距离、高速巡航性能。It is designed to perform conventional helicopter missions but with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft.

飞机采用非气密舱和四台动力不足的涡轮螺旋桨发动机,使它仅仅适用于低-中空飞行。The aircraft has an unpressurised cabin and four underpowered turboprop engines, making it only suitable for low- to medium-altitude flight.

经过两年多的紧密筹备,7日下午,单引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机TMB700从北京首都国际机场启航。After two years of careful preparation, the single-engine turboprop TMB700 aircraft left Beijing Capital International Airport Sunday afternoon.

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英国皇家空军同样配备有小型人工操控型飞机,双涡轮螺旋桨的比奇空中国王飞机是作为“收割者”的后备军完成侦察任务的。The RAF is also flying small manned twin turboprop Beechcraft King Air planes to complement surveillance missions undertaken by the unmanned Reapers.

根据航空涡桨和涡轴发动机通用规范的要求,涡轴发动机在研制过程中必须进行高空模拟试验。Altitude simulation test must be completed during the research and development of turboshafts according to the general specification for turboshaft and turboprop.

这种航空器先进的涡浆发动机采用低噪音的螺旋桨,并通过提供足够进行短程起飞和快速爬升的推力来进一步减少噪声。The aircraft's advanced turboprop engines sport low-noise propellers and further mitigate noise by providing thrust sufficient for short takeoffs and quick climbs.

瑞德先生上世纪70年代曾驾驶涡轮螺旋桨飞机在柬埔寨执行过战斗任务,据他说,与喷气式战斗机相比,涡轮螺旋桨飞机还有另一项长处。And there is one other advantage that the turboprop has over the jet, at least according to Mr Read—who flew turboprops on combat missions in Cambodia in the 1970s.

萨博空中监视系统包括了萨博2000涡轮螺旋桨飞机及相关支援设备,萨博2000飞机装配了微波系统的ERIEYE空中雷达系统。The Saab Airborne Surveillance System includes Saab 2000 turboprop aircraft equipped with Saab Microwave Systems airborne radar system ERIEYE and associated support equipment.

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在国产双涡桨支线飞机发展过程中,曾专门研究过螺旋桨滑流对飞机表面压力分布的影响。During the development of china-built double turboprop engines commuter aircraft, the influence has been studied which propeller slipstream affects the pressure distribution on aircraft.

海明斯菲尔德和同事们于2007年在丹佛国际机场附近的一个装备有许多仪器的涡轮螺旋桨飞机上展开云研究后不久就不偏不倚的发现了穿洞云。Heymsfield and colleagues flew smack-dab into the hole-punch discovery after having conducted a cloud study from a heavily instrumented turboprop plane near Denver International Airport in 2007.