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入这一泓奇异的瓦斯之中,真是小题大作into this peculiar gas unnecessarily hard.

这样只会不必要地消耗内存。This will only eat up memory unnecessarily.

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“杞人忧天”这个成语讥笑那些没有必要或毫无根据的忧虑。This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.

书评作者的批评没有必要这样欺侮人。The reviewer's criticism was unnecessarily insulting.

我想这是因为我们不必要地将生活复杂化了。I think that is because we unnecessarily complicate it.

下一个技巧是避免让任务不必要地“膨胀”。The next tip is to avoid unnecessarily “inflating” tasks.

否则,你就浪费了一个比特位,也就多余了。Otherwise, you're wasting a bit, so to speak, unnecessarily.

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而设得过低意味着可能会不必要地拒绝服务。Too low a setting means you may deny services unnecessarily.

否则,这仗就会打输——而且付出的是不必要的高昂代价。Otherwise, it will be lost – and at an unnecessarily high cost.

我们经常会这样,并且大多数的人因此遭受不必要的痛苦。We all do, and most people suffer unnecessarily because of them.

改变的方法常常是过度不必要的复杂和狂热。Methods of changing are often unnecessarily complicated and frenetic.

我赞同这种看法,但是我想没有必要这么尖锐。I'm sympathetic to that view, but I think it's unnecessarily strident.

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这样做会有助于阻止样品不必要的受潮。Doing so would help prevent the sample from becoming unnecessarily moist.

目标端重复数据删除技术不会没有必要地延长备份窗口。Target-side deduplication does not unnecessarily elongate backup windows.

你可能不想冒冒然地说“我真想这么做”。But you don't want unnecessarily come out and say, "I really like to do this."

问题在于误用权威和在不必要的时候使用权威。In my opinion, the problem is misusing the authority and using it unnecessarily.

每当你开始抱怨或进行多余的批评的时候,你就要注意了。Make it a priority to notice every time you complain or unnecessarily criticize.

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一个对待科技非常教条的方法就是一定要花不必花的钱。A dogmatic approach to technology is a surefire way to spend money unnecessarily.

除非必要,不应宰杀任何动物,或让其遭受虐待。No animal should be killed unnecessarily or be subjected to cruel acts by a human.

所以,不必要的炒作通常是美国媒体的典型特征。So it could be typical of the American media to unnecessarily sensationalize things.