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味觉的敏度出生后随着时间而发展变化。B. Taste acuity is developed over time after birth.

甚至芹菜已经被松散地与脑力敏锐度联系在一起。Even celery has been loosely linked to mental acuity.

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迟钝的理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄弱的。Lacking acuity or clarity of understanding or perception.

他有轻度耳鸣,并且听力稍减。He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.

能够达到多大的触敏度还要拭目以待。Just how much tactile acuity can be achieved remains to be seen.

视敏度低到什么程度需要用放大镜?From which visual acuity do magnifying vision aids have to be used?

对于重要观察来说,我们需要怎样的视敏度?What visual acuity is required for the most important vision tasks?

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经合适的凹透镜矫正后所有外伤眼视力均可达1.0。The visual acuity could be corrected to 1.0 with proper negative lenses.

增殖性视网膜病变是影响术后视力的主要原因。Diabetic retinopathy is the main reason of low visual acuity after surgery.

视觉识别敏度不具有明显的性别差异。No significant gender differences were showed in visual recognition acuity.

这种和印度之间的贸易往来显示了苏格兰人敏锐的商业嗅觉。The tea flowing from India symbolised the acuity of Scots trading instincts.

视觉的敏锐度不在于我们能够看到多少,而在于我们内心的感觉。Visual acuity does not lie in how much we can see, but in what we feel inside.

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只有它保持高灵敏性时,你才能看到细小的事物,例如现在这个页面上的字。Its high acuity allows you to see fine detail, such as the letters on this page.

未观察到视力的长期损害及泪膜异常。No permanent reduction in visual acuity and tear film abnormality were observed.

而在近视性屈光参差组中,二者未发现有显著性差异。The greater the anisometropia, the larger the difference of the visual acuity is.

也就是说可以起到增强活力,改善睡眠,提高心智的作用。This equates to increased energy and vigor, better sleep and sharper mental acuity.

而病人于术后眼科回诊时、左眼视力已降至无光感。Postoperatively , her visual acuity in the left eye worsened to no light perception.

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结论准分子激光手术有效提高屈光不正眼的裸眼视力。Conclusion Excimer laser cornea reshaping can improve the visual acuity of ametropia.

参加焊接检验师考试前必须出示完整视力检查报告。The completed Visual Acuity Record must be presented prior to taking CWI examination.

早些起床来富余更多有效率的时间,并且使你一天都精力充沛。Waking up early gives youmore productive hours and maximizes your mental acuity all day.