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笔者亲历过日本文化对中国的影响之巨大。The author has experienced the Japanese culture to China hugeness influence.

现代大城市正是聚集了这种孤立建筑物的庞大集合体。Modern metropolitans is the very hugeness aggregate of the isolated buildings.

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该方案化解了CORBA技术规范庞大、复杂而带来的困难。This scheme decomposes the difficulty of CORBA criterion hugeness and complexity.

但由于视频信息本身十分庞大,限制了其在网络中的传播速度。But for the hugeness of video frequency itself limited the transporting speed on the Internet.

由于场馆的庞大而且复杂,需要专门为其设计组建一个稳定可靠的通信网络。Because of the hugeness and complexity of stadiums, we must design and build a stable and reliable.

科学技术的巨大发展,使软件产品已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的。The hugeness evolution of technology makes the software products become necessity in people's life.

由于棉花是直根系作物,根系生长庞大、生育期长,与果树的生长有一定的相似性。The cotton is similar to fruiter because the cotton roots is taproot and hugeness and growth days is long.

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由于系统庞大和条件的限制,只实现了部分关键技术的开发。As the hugeness of the system and the constraints, a part of development in the key technology is realized.

所有站点数据集中在一起,数据量会非常庞大,聚类效率会显著降低。It decreases clustering efficiency in evidence and results in hugeness dataset while centralize all the local data.

能为贵公司提供服务,我们将感到不胜荣幸,热忱欢迎广大用户光临指导,洽谈定购!For costly company serve is ours honoured. Zealousness welcome hugeness consumer presence supervise, palaver and speak for.

证券预测的好坏对于一个国家的经济发展和广大投资者有重大意义。Stand or fall of the securities forecast has great significance for a countrys economic development and hugeness investors.

压力容器生产管理受控是一较先进的管理模式,运用好将给企业的生产带来巨大的效益。The control of production for pressure vessel is an advantage management mode. If used well, it will bring hugeness benefit for enterprise.

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物质—肉体因素是怪诞现实主义的核心因素,并且通常以夸张的巨大形象显示出来。The element of Substance and Flesh is the core of the Grotesque realism, and commonly reveals itself in the images of hugeness and exaggeration.

近年我国有线接入的宽带用户数量增长迅猛,用户对宽带数据业务的需求迫切。Recently, the quantity of cable broadband access subscriber has been growing fast, and the data services requirements from the users are hugeness.

考虑到它录制的是多么谨慎,其声音的宏大是了不起的,并且"Decisions"还设法让人同时感到既悲痛又振奋。The hugeness of its sound is something considering how modestly it was recorded, and "Decisions" manages to feel both tragic and uplifting at once.

综合地球物理所包含的数据量大,种类繁多,因而在处理解释过程中,数据的可视化显得尤为重要。Because of the diversification and hugeness of comprehensive geophysics data, visualization appears to be particularly important in the processing and interpretation.

然而,由于人们在追求经济发展的同时忽略了对医疗废弃物的严格管理,导致其对社会环境和人类健康造成了巨大危害。But, cause the strict management having being ignored, medical waste makes hugeness harm to the human health and social environment while the people running after economic growth.

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尤其是在重组信息丰富的地方,合理应用IT可以使企业比竞争者具备更大的优势,成功地实施BPR。Especially in the place of abundance of reengineering information, the enterprise utilized IT suitably can have hugeness preponderance than competitor and executed BPR successfully.

本文针对互联网的开放性、分散性、层次性、演化性、巨量性等本质特性,提出了一种农业复杂自适应搜索模型。For the characteristics of openness, scatterings, hierarchy, evolution and hugeness of internet, an agricultural search model based on complex adaptive system is proposed in this dissertation.

“死亡谷”的现名源自1849年,当年一群来自内华达州的矿工穿越这片艰险广袤的沙漠时迷失了方向,他们的探险历程也变成了一段辛酸的故事。Death Valley's present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story.