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她读到一桩轶事。There she read an anecdote.

不过我会给大家讲一则趣闻轶事。But an anecdote will suffice.

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这是一个从未公布的秘辛。It is an anecdote never published.

那件小小的轶事可以告诉你许多信息。That little anecdote tells you a lot.

他没讲课文而讲了一段轶事。He departs from the text to tell an anecdote.

那不过是个家庭趣谈罢了。It had never been more than a family anecdote.

她脱离课文扯到一段轶事上去了。She departed from the text to tell an anecdote.

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这一话题激起关于朝鲜战争的讨论。The question sparks an anecdote about the Korean war.

他有许多他那时代的阔气少爷们的笑谈。He had many an anecdote of the gilded youth of his time.

例如,美联社报道的一则轶闻中说Take, for example, an anecdote reported by the Associated Press

这是流行病学研究中的一个有趣的例子That's a little interesting anecdote about the epidemiology of these things.

狐狸的害人精形象在传闻和民间故事中遭到严重的夸大。The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.

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关于“狗不理”包子的来历,据说还有一个小故事。There is an interesting anecdote about the origin of Goubuli steamed stuffed buns.

一开始,这只是跟朋友和初相识的人分享的一段轶事。To begin with, it was an anecdote he shared only with friends or new acquaintances.

你们走进来的时间,他正打算讲段和这有关的逸话给我们听听呢。He was about to favour us with a little anecdote connected with it, when you entered.

爱德华兹是以2002年他与佩奇的一次见面趣事作为本书的开篇的。Edwards begins his book with an anecdote about a meeting he had with Page back in 2002.

对于罗伯茨而言,这则轶事是对经济难以预测的一种比喻。For Roberts, the anecdote amounted to a parable on the pitfalls of economic forecasting.

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另一端,有人在叙述某个玛丽亚·维克托罗夫娜遭受挫折的故事。At the other end an anecdote was being told of the ill- success of some Marya Viktorovna.

我遇到的第一个谈论路易十三干邑白兰地的酒侍,曾经跟我说过一个故事。One of the first sommelier I saw speaking about Louis Treize used to tell me an anecdote.

他已经在谈一桩奇闻,在他那宽阔的脸上,他的小嘴巴扭得象一条小毛虫。He had begun an anecdote , and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a.