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橡实是橡树固有的。The oak is implicit in the acorn.

内隐记忆的神经基质。Neural substrates for implicit memory.

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人民对他有无疑问的信任。So the people had implicit trust in him.

函数增长的隐式说明。Implicit declaration of function increment.

隐性债务是改革过程中的成本。Implicit persion debts are the cost of reform.

“隐”与“翩”这两个字颇有点朦胧的味道。"Implicit" and "Pina" is rather obscure taste.

没有与列相关联的隐式验证。No implicit validation is associated with a column.

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4使用隐式多态实现每个具体类一张表Table per Concrete Class using Implicit Polymorphism

他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。His play has endless charm, is implicit and poetry-rich.

它的态度不直接可以说很含蓄。Its treatment of these issues is indirect,it's implicit.

基本活动排序可以是隐式的,也可以是显式的。Basic sequencing of activities can be implicit or explicit.

这个隐式语义并不能保证未来的使用。This implicit semantics is not a warranty for future usage.

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这其实才是俄国形式主义者们隐含的观点。That really is implicit in the Russian formalist viewpoint.

内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用.The Medial Temporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Implicit Memory.

实验二考察内隐锻炼者自我图式。The second experiment explored implicit exercise self-schemata.

决策问题中所含的方案数量在决策树中是隐性的。The number of the alternatives of the decision tree is implicit.

柯帕乌对于市内铁路的前途抱有绝对的信心。Cawperwood had implicit faith in the future of the street railway.

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上面所举的例子中并没有明显体现出短时傅立叶变换的问题。The implicit problem of the STFT is not obvious in the above example.

如果没有组件别名,则不会出现隐式身份验证。If there is no component alias, no implicit authentication will occur.

取得依照前置词指定的隐含资源索引键集合。Gets a collection of implicit resource keys as specified by the prefix.