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茎是箭杆,赤色。Stem is now, red.

但什么是干细胞?But what are stem cells?

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枯瘦干黄的手掌。Skinny stem yellow palms.

枝干末稍,花茎末稍。Stem end and blossom end.

上帝保佑我的莴笋吧。God bless my stem lettuces.

这朵花的茎部很长。This flower has a long stem.

你主要是干什莫用?What do you are mainly stem?

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提起钻柱测试工具。Pick up drill stem test tool.

可维修的2件式阀杆驱动。Repairable 2-piece stem drive.

郁金香型的高脚杯。A tulip shaped glass on a stem.

什么是造血干细胞?。What is Hematopoietic stem cell?

每转向柱是不同的。Every Steering Stem is different.

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但是,这种努力可以扭转局面吗?But can such efforts stem the tide?

胚胎干细胞是两性的。Embryonic stem cells are totipotent.

可以做些什么以遏止危机呢?What can be done to stem the crisis?

他从树干上砍下许多树枝。He dissevered branches from the stem.

为什么寻找干细胞要如此大费周章呢Why is it so hard to find stem cells?

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脑干损害常为非对称性。Brain stem injury is often unilaterai.

而我最喜欢的就是秘制芋头茎酿鸭肉。My favorite is the taro stem and duck.

玉米青枯病乃世界性病害。Stem rot of corn is worldwide disease.