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五月份我们很快团聚。May Gud reunite us very soon.

等明天晚上我回到成都,我们就可以团聚了。When I go back to Chengdu tomorrow, we'll reunite.

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俊表与丝草在游艇上重逢。他们紧紧拥抱。Jun Pyo and Jan Di reunite on a yacht. He hugs her tightly.

海鹦夫妇每年都会回到同一处洞穴会面。Puffin couples often reunite at the same burrow site each year.

最后一次重新一统亚历山大帝国的机会与历史失之交臂。The last chance to reunite the Alexandrine Empire had now passed.

官方的最初尝试是让这些孤儿投靠亲属。Officials are first trying to reunite orphaned children with other relatives.

你的孩子也许仍对父母破镜重圆心存希望。Your child may have harbored hopes that you and your ex-spouse would reunite.

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即使想让失散的艺术品重新团聚,该在哪里团聚呢?And even if one wanted to reunite dispersed works of art, where would one do so?

他相信南北朝鲜两方迟早会重新统一。He believes the two parts of north and south Korea will reunite sooner or later.

在需要的时候,为人们和家人团聚提供寻亲服务。When necessary, a tracing service is established to reunite people and families.

代表团将竭力磋商,争取让商人们领回被收缴的货物。And the delegation will try to reunite the venders with their seized merchandise.

我们期盼他们能早日平安获释,同他们的家人团聚。We hope they could be released and reunite with their family as soon as possible.

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虎年,无疑是小虎队团聚的绝佳时间。There`s no better time for The Little Tigers to reunite than the Year of the Tiger.

你的超灵在等待那一刻,在更高的振动你完全可以与你团聚。Your oversoul awaits the moment it can fully reunite with you in the higher vibrations.

他那让人印象深刻的演讲给了人们推动力,使国家重新团结在一起。The impressive speech by the President gave the people an impetus to reunite the country.

同时,罗伯特皮雷斯又再一次跟尤文图斯联系起来。Reports emanating from Italy claim Juve are lining up a deal to reunite Pires with Vieira.

好在,陈妈妈最终释怀,并与理珊约定,在极乐世界相聚。Thankfully , eventually, she did let it go and made a pact with Lisa to reunite in heaven.

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“梦幻组合”将会让这个因为种族和阶级的差异而四分五裂的党派重新团结起来。The "dream ticket" would reunite a party that has fractured along lines of race and class.

张匡劝他说,只要他真心改过,总会一家团聚。Hong tells Chi-hei that if he is truly remorseful , he and his family will reunite one day.

那一次我游历山河,不为故景,只为途中与你重逢。That time I travel far and wide, not for the sceneries, but to reunite with you on the way.