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云贵高原三种类型。Type C is Yunnan and Guizhou plateau.

贵州一煤矿爆炸,7人遇难。Colliery gas blast kills 7 in Guizhou.

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黔西南有哪些特产食品?What specialty food southwest Guizhou?

吴雁南是贵州著名的教育家。Wu yannan is a famous educator in Guizhou.

膨润土矿尚属本省缺门矿种。Bentonite ore is a lack mineral in Guizhou.

本人是一个生动的男孩。I am an active boy from Sinan Guizhou province.

黔剧唱腔是用贵州方言演唱的。Guizhou opera arias are sung in Guizhou dialect.

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贵州五加科某些种类的考订。Notes on some species of Araliaceae from Guizhou.

由点到面,由台江看贵州,指出台江是贵州的缩影。Points out the Taijiang is a miniature of Guizhou.

黔南地区花岗石资源丰富。The southern Guizhou is rich in granite resources.

贵州政府正在研究措施保护茅台水资源。Guizhou mulls rules to protect Moutai water source.

贵州民间傩戏系统,主要是两个系列,三个层次。Nuo opera of Guizhou comprises two major categories.

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六枝特区位于贵州省西部。Six special zones are located west Guizhou Province.

贵州宏福实业开发有限总公司。Guizhou Hongfu Industrial Development General Co. , Ltd.

采风第一天,贵州五一寨农田。First day of music tour, countryside of Guizhou Province.

贵州水利资源丰富,有众多大河小溪。Guizhou is rich in many water courses, streams and rivers.

贵州师范大学拥有一支篮球队在古巴?与贵州大学并不拥有一个团队?So Guizhou Normal has a team in CUBA, and Guizhuo U doesn't?

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匪患成为贵州一个严重的社会问题。The banditry had became a serious social problem in Guizhou.

贵州西南部主要竹种资源。Major bamboo species resources in Southwest Guizhou Province.

对贵州越桔的发展前景进行了展望。The outlook of developing Vaccinium in Guizhou is prospected.