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无非是老生常谈。It's no more than a platitude.

我是这种老生常谈的冠军。I am the champion of the platitude.

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陈词滥调的回音。Applause is the echo of a platitude.

这番话无非是老生常谈。The talk is no more than a platitude.

一度新颖的构思已经成为老生常谈。The talk is no more than a platitude.

有人会认为这是陈腔滥调。Some would say that this is a platitude.

尺度是一个老生常谈的地学问题。Scale is a platitude problem of geomorphology.

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这是一个老生常谈的话题,但请先听我说完。This has the makings of a platitude but hear me out.

高血压病的防治是一个老生常谈的课题。Prevention and treatment of hypertension is the subject of a platitude.

我也想对这里的老师们说,原谅我的老套话,你们可能早已烂熟于心了。And the old people here. Forgive me for platitude that you know so well.

现代生活里,没有一样东西能赶上一句恰当的陈词滥调那样,让四海升平,亲如一家。In modern life nothing produces such an effect as a good platitude. It makes the whole world kin.

小说是想象的领地而现实是知识的领地,这句话听起来有点陈词滥调了。It sounds like a platitude that fiction is the realm of imagination, fact the realm of knowledge.

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这使得浪漫色彩减少为陈词滥调,而剧中的第三者成了一个呆头呆脑的角色。It reduced the romance to platitude , and the third person in the drama to the appearance of a stick.

第一,内容永远是王道,这点是老生常谈了,和众多网站没有区别。The first, content is kingcraft forever, be platitude this bit, do not have distinction with numerous website.

祝你幸运,希望你不会对我沉长的信感得厌倦——仅仅就将它看作是一朵幸福的小四叶草吧!Good luck to you! I do not hope you will be tired of reading my platitude -just behold it as a four-leaf clover!

当亚里士多德说,人类天生是政治动物,他的主张,不只是老生常谈,或是陈腔滥调。When Aristotle says that man is a political animal by nature, he is doing more than simply asserting just a truism or just some platitude.

纽约州立大学莱闻学院讲授求职技巧的教授马克·赫什伯格说,几乎宿迁招聘网所有的应聘者都千篇一律地称自己很聪明或是工作努力。Mark Herschberg, a career skills professor at the Levin Institute in New York City, says almost every candidate trots out a platitude about being smart or hard-working.

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这些陈词滥调显然缺乏足够的考虑,最近甚至有人将国家公园护林员称为“英雄”,可能是因为他们也穿着制服吧。So unthinking has the platitude become that someone referred to national park rangers on public radio recently as “heroes” — reflexively, in passing — presumably since they wear uniforms, as well.

当然用一句英语句子来阐述,只是些陈词滥调——但是事实上,在成年人存在的日常鸿沟中,陈词滥调可能很重要,它可以决定你的生死。Stated as an English sentence, of course, this is just a banal platitude -----but the fact is that, in the day-to-day trenches of adult existence, banal platitudes can have life-or-death importance.