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我需要将氯分离。I need to dissociate the chlorine.

她努力使自己与自己的过去决裂。She tried to dissociate herself from her past.

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把语言与文化分离是不可能的。It is impossible to dissociate language from culture.

好象女性诗歌是游离于文学史之外的另类。Quite a few female verses dissociate from the literary history.

通常,当我用两种场景来解除关联时,能获得最佳结果。I usually get the best results when I dissociate in both scenes.

碳-氟键比较强,因此分离的可能性比较低。Carbon-fluorine bonds are stronger and less likely to dissociate.

结论耳后游离皮瓣移植治疗瘢痕性睑外翻效果良好。Conclusion Transplanting dissociate skin petal is effective for scaring ectropion.

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在这种情形下,可能需要提供该复合物不会离解的证据。In such cases, evidence that the complex does not dissociate may need to be provided.

但是直到认识神之前,奉献者也不能从崇拜中把人的因素分离。But until that realization is achieved, the devotee cannot dissociate human factors from his worship.

目的探讨游离皮瓣移植治疗瘢痕性睑外翻的效果。Objective To evaluate the effects of curing scaring ectropion by transplanting dissociate skin petal.

该设备能将浸渍好的玉米颗粒粗破成4-6瓣,使玉米胚芽游离出来。The bulge-toothed mill can coarsely mill the corn grains into 4-6 segments to dissociate the plumule of the corn.

我们可以将触觉和视觉剥离开来,让人们以为身体就在两米外的前方。We were able to dissociate touch and vision and make people think that their body was two meters in front of them.

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他的工厂将在繁忙的白天时间生产电,夜间就会利用氢气来分离水。His plants would produce electricity during peak daytime hours and be used to dissociate water to make hydrogen by night.

因此,与其让它游离于刑法理论之外,或牵强附会加以解释,不如名正言顺地加以承认。So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.

但一旦美国队在下一场比赛中输了,大多数人都会下意识地与之脱离关系,他们往往用“他们输了”的词来搪塞。But, if the U.S. team loses their next match, most people will subconsciously dissociate from the team with a "they lost" response.

因为某些不为人知的原因,我们的文明倾向于贬低或者引导我们压抑和分离我们关于空间的感受。For some unknown reason, our culture has tended to play down or cause us to repress and dissociate the feelings we have about space.

阻化剂转换水合物稳定所需的压力和温度条件,允许水合物离解,然后释放出其中的甲烷。They shift the pressure-temperature conditions needed for hydrate stability, allowing the hydrate to dissociate and release its methane.

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所有的高层都和此事无关,同时也向所有受此事件影响的球迷郑重道歉!All those in charge dissociate themselves from this incident and apologize to all football fans whose experience of the game was affected.

从该水合物沉积层中进一步离解和开采天然气将会面临令类似海底地壳局部运动的风险。Future efforts to dissociate and extract natural gas from the hydrate deposits may run the risk of setting off similar undersea disturbances.

胶束内结合了一定量的矿物质,量主要的是钙,没有钙胶团就会分解。A number of minerals are bound within the casein micelle structure, the most important of which is calcium, without which the micelles dissociate.