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我们并没有从中获得专利费。We don't get royalties from it.

支付专利使用费和管理费。Payment of royalties and management fees.

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一些剪贴画需要商业使用版税。Some require royalties for commercial use.

采用者将要支付年费与全额权利金。Adopters will pay an annual fee and ful royalties.

技术移交费应以版税方式支付。The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties.

合同使这家公司必须付给发明者专利权使用费。The contract binds the company to pay royalties to the inventor.

不管钻机是否盈利,地主们只沉迷于收取土地使用费。And landowners keep wallowing in royalties whether the driller makes a profit or not.

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另外,诺基亚将会获得一笔一次性赔偿,以弥补过去的巨额损失。In addition, Nokia will receive a one-off back-payment to cover missed royalties from the past.

巴斯特研究所起诉该实验室,后来得到了这种新的测试专利税的一半。The Pasteur Institute sues and is later awarded rights to half of the royalties from the new test.

尽管如此,当时,还没有人预测到电脑会如此普及,恩。However, Engelbart never received royalties as the computer was never expected to become so popular.

去年HTC解决了微软对安卓的一项索赔,并同意支付高价的专利费。Last year HTC resolved another claim over Android, with Microsoft, agreeing to pay it hefty royalties.

主要的做法是,推迟、减少、甚至免去专利费或者其他特许经营费用。Common examples would be deferring, reducing or even waiving royalties or other franchise-fee payments.

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今天单张录音唱片挣的版税要比过去一步电影还要多得多。A single gramophone record nowadays may earn much more in royalties than the films of the past ever did.

如果有人想出版图书,他可以先在他的信用账户之外支付并取得稿酬。If someone wants to publish a book, he can pay for it out of his "credit" account and receive royalties.

除了一定比例的入门费,贵方应用专利权利使用费的形式向我方支付进口技术的费用。You’ll pay for the imported technology in the form of royalties apart from a certain initial down payment.

配乐名单还被表演权协会用于分配曲作者和制作人的版税。Cue sheets are also used by performing-rights societies to distribute royalties to composers and producers.

事实上,Kubrick借用了太多Kahn的说法和想法,以致那位科学家都管他要版税了。In fact, Kubrick borrowed so many of Kahn’s sayings and ideas that the scientist began demanding royalties.

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去年HTC解决了一个微软提起针对安卓的索赔,同意支付大量的专利费。Last year HTC resolved another claim over Android, with Microsoft, agreeing to pay it significant royalties.

另外,你可以选择给过你有用反馈的评论者分享版税。Additionally, you can share your royalties with selected reviewers who have provided you with helpful feedback.

我社接到先生签署之合同后即将预支给先生版税五千元。On receipt of signed contract we shall be pleased to make you an advance on royalties of five thousand dollars.