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剩下的三分之一,则在迦太基人控制之下The third to the west is under Carthaginian control.

在历史上,迦太基公民方阵是低质素的。Historically, a Carthaginian citizen phalanx was of poor quality.

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迦太基人,古代最伟大的军事统帅之一。Carthaginian general, one of the great military leaders of antiquity.

凡尔赛的迦太基和平毒害了每个人。The Carthaginian peace of Versailles had by then poisoned everything.

实际上西西里的西部依然在迦太基的控制之下。Actually the western portion of Sicily remained under Carthaginian control.

修正迦太基人学院的结构,现在能看见了。Fixed broken texture for carthaginian academy, so it should now be visible.

迦太基则随着它的灭亡,文明也湮没于历史长河之中。With its destruction carthaginian civilization fell into oblivion in the history.

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迦太基市民仍然使用一种圆形的青铜盾牌去保护他们自己。The Carthaginian citizens still use the round bronze hoplon-style shield to protect themselves.

汉尼拔正是用这些战士屡次击败罗马人,其实他们也是迦太基军队的精锐。These were the men Hannibal had used to defeat the Romans and truly, were the best of the Carthaginian Army.

这项行动代号为汉尼拔,以此纪念在公元前三世纪入侵罗马帝国的迦太基将军。It was code-named Hannibal in honour of Carthaginian general who invaded the Roman Empire in the third century BC.

讽刺的是,埃涅阿斯命中注定要弃蒂朵而去,验证了迦太基的背信弃义。Ironically, the way in which Aeneas abandons Dido in favour of his preordained fate is characteristic of Carthaginian treachery.

之后,尼禄顺利地朝西班牙腹地推进,迦太基的势力似乎即将被赶出西班牙。After this great achievement, Nero managed to push deeply into spain and for awhile it looked as if Carthaginian Spain would fall.

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从前在罗马也有过一些被俘虏的迦太基士兵,拒尽向弗拉米尼努斯①致敬,他们多少有点汉尼拔的精神。In the same way, there were at Rome Carthaginian prisoners who refused to salute Flaminius, and who had a little of Hannibal's spirit.

公元前218年冬天,对迦太基将军汉尼拔而言,有充足的翻越比利牛斯山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉,打通到罗马的陆路。There was abundant cause, though, for Hannibal, a Carthaginian general, to take the land route across the Pyrenees and Alps to Rome in the winter of 218BC.

您可能没有听说过迦太基或迦太基帝国,但它是一种古老的领土,一旦包括一些世界上最流行的奢华的度假胜地。You may not have heard of Carthage or the Carthaginian Empire, but it was an ancient territory that once encompassed some of the world's most popular luxury holiday destinations.

巴利阿里群岛的一个西班牙的岛,位于地中海西部、马略卡岛西南。这岛吸引着游客和艺术家,并有罗马人、腓尼基人和迦太基人的遗迹。Spanish island of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea southwest of Majorca. The island attracts tourists and artists and has Roman, Phoenician, and Carthaginian ruins.

巴利阿里群岛的一个西班牙的岛,位于地中海西部、马略卡岛西南。这岛吸引着游客和艺术家,并有罗马人、腓尼基人和迦太基人的遗迹。A Spanish island of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea southwest of Majorca. The island attracts tourists and artists and has Roman, Phoenician, and Carthaginian ruins.