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一个形而上学者,一个戏剧性的附属。George Eliot- a metaphysician with a dramatic attachment.

围绕这一问题西方形而上学家提出了六种不同的解答方式。The western metaphysician put forwards six ways to solve the problem.

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想像一下某个形而上学者说,“等等,伙计,别急。Now imagine some metaphysician saying "Wait a minute, buster, not so quick.

他是圣母大学研究当代形而上学的,假设我的儿子用木积木,搭了一座塔。He is a contemporary metaphysician teacher Suppose that my son builds a tower out of wooden blocks.

他是圣母大学研究当代形而上学的,假设我的儿子用木积木,搭了一座塔。He is a contemporary metaphysician teacher Suppose that my son builds a tower out of wooden blocks.

他形而上学的大师,可以直接感知无形的现象。He was the master metaphysician who knew by direct perception that all phenomena are devoid of substance.

形而上学家已被礼貌地送走,并直言相告他问的是无聊的问题,我们根本就不需要他。The metaphysician has been politely bowed out and informed that he is asking silly questions and anyway we can do quite well without him.

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现代极具影响的德国形而上学思想家马丁。海德格尔认为,哲学基本问题是唯一真正的哲学问题。The modern and highly influential German metaphysician Martin Heidegger maintained that the FQP is the only genuine philosophical question.

学术界一般以为梅洛•彭迪与胡塞尔最接近,视他为中期形而上学家。In academic circles, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, considered to be most closed to Edmund Husserl, has been regarded as a mid-period metaphysician.

如伴随着知识权力从神学家、形而上学家转向近代科学家,大学中的学科也经历相应的盛衰荣辱。For instance, with the transition of the knowledge authority from the theologist and metaphysician to modern scientist, the disciplines of university have their ebb and flow accordingly.