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单纯口唇部位扁平苔藓不多见。Simple oral lip lichen planus is parum.

这个地衣测试是基于颜色数据的。The lichen identification was based on color data.

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苔藓挂满了铁杉,雪松,和红豆杉树枝。Lichen drips from hemlock, cedar, and yew branches.

本例属糜烂型扁平苔藓的变型。This condition is a variant of erosive lichen planus.

我听说这软膏治苔癣病有效。I heard the ointment is effective for treating lichen.

世界上最小的植物之一叫做地衣,它只生长在石头上。One of the smallest is the Lichen plant which grows on stones.

目的探讨超声离子导入法治疗糜烂型扁平苔癣的疗效。Objective To explore the treatment for erosive oral Lichen planus.

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苔藓会侵蚀花岗岩,而且随着时间的推移,这些苔藓会使岩石产生裂缝和凹痕。Lichen eats away at granite and over time can cause cracks and pockmarks.

结论中药活血化瘀法治疗扁平苔癣有显著的疗效。Conclusion Traditional Chinese medicine is effective for cure lichen planus.

以美国现任总统巴拉克·奥巴马的名字命名的是一种橙色地衣。The current US president Barack Obama's namesake is an orange-colored lichen.

本病需与扁平苔藓和扁平苔藓样角化病等鉴别。KLC has to be differentiated with lichen planus and lichen planus-like keratosis.

青苔覆盖在地面上,容易使草坪植株窒息死亡。Lichen grows on the surface of lawn, can cause grass to be choky and then to die.

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青苔是一种浅根植物,是藻类和真菌共生形成的一种低等植物。Lichen is a simple plant, which comes from symbiotic growth of algae and epiphyte.

像蘑菇之类的菌类以及苔藓会产生酶,以朽木和腐败的落叶为食。Fungi like mushrooms and lichen make enzymes to eat rotting logs and decaying leaves.

当莉莎特来到草场的时候,太阳已经升起来了,岩石都是温暖的。By the time Lizette reached the lichen meadow, the sun was up and the rocks were warm.

结果揭示,高糖血症、糖尿病在扁平苔藓致病中具有一定作用。In conclusion, diabetes mellitus may play some role in the pathogenesis of lichen planus.

地衣是它们冬季食物的主食,而且它们必须把雪推开才能吃到地衣。Lichen is the staple of their winter diet, and they must push aside the snow to reach it.

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目的探讨光化性扁平苔藓临床及病理特征。Objective To investigate the clinical and histopathological feature of Actinic Lichen Planus.

在大约一半的人与扁平苔藓,内表面口受到影响。In approximately half of people with lichen planus, the inner surface of the mouth is affected.

组织病理改变符合硬化性萎缩性苔藓。The change of histopathology on the vulva lesion was consistent with sclerotic atrophic lichen.