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依赖关系。The volume dependence.

文盲有依赖性。Illiteracy is dependence.

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是对好朋友的一种深深的依赖?。A deep dependence of a frend?

仅仅依赖于气体温度。Only a temperature dependence.

然而,依赖并不需要很长时间。However, dependence need not be long term.

网络用语对语境的依赖。Networks-parlance's dependence on context.

对矿物燃料的依赖是你唯一的动机?Is fossil-fuel dependence your only motive?

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你会以为我说依赖是过于夸张?You think I exaggerate about the dependence?

第三,更多依靠外部帮助。Thirdly, greater dependence on external help.

加州减少对外国石油的依赖。Reduces Californias dependence on foreign oil.

因为它很有很强的温度依赖性。Because it has a strong temperature dependence.

考察u对V的。And look at, for example, the V dependence of u.

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它可能酸记恨依赖或独立。It may sour in hated dependence or independence.

无腔器件没有角度依赖性。It was proved that OLED has no angle dependence.

廉政制度变迁的路径依赖。Honest government system vicissitude way dependence.

Dowling更愿意称之为”对互联网的依赖“。Ms. Dowling prefers to call it “Internet dependence.

这就是化学势,G对压强的依赖关系。It's just the potential, the pressure dependence of G.

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普通人是有德者的依靠。The normal people are the dependence of the good ones.

研究结果验证了记忆的状态依存性。This study also verified the state dependence of memory.

然后,将随时变应用于这些特征函数中。Time dependence is then applied to these eigenfunctions.