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但长相对关系的发展确实非常重要。But it is a great predictor of a second date.

告辞完成了任务离开了房间。The Predictor has done her work and left the room.

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而少数民族仅在重度精神病患者中为预测因子。Minority race was a predictor in the SMI group only.

亚索800能很好预测你的马拉松能力吗?Do Yasso 800s make a good predictor of marathon performance?

柜台上出售的排卵预测试剂也是有效的。Over-the –counter ovulation predictor kits are also available.

FCA的唯一预测因素是近期的上呼吸道感染。The only predictor of FCA was recent upper respiratory infection.

蛋白表达可作为判断肾癌预后的指标。The P16 protein expression can be used as a predictor of prognosis.

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系统网络中含14个待定的前件和后件参数。There are 14 undetermined parameters named predictor and consequent.

赛里格曼声称这是预测未来能否成功的有力证据。Seligman would argue that this is a powerful predictor of future success.

本研究对LVH是否为非心梗性心衰的独立预测因子进行评价。We assessed whether LVH is an independent predictor of MI-independent HF.

发现指甲中尼古丁含量水平是预测肺癌的重要指示。Toenail nicotine levels were found to be a strong predictor of lung cancer.

有无子女对高中教师的工作→家庭冲突水平具有较强的预测作用。Children were the stronger predictor to the level of work-to-family conflict.

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在中国人群中,AAO可作为反映偏头痛预后的指标之一。AAO can be used as a predictor for prognosis of migraine in Chinese population.

FMD是一种内皮细胞功能及心脏病风险的独立预测指标。FMD is an independent predictor of endothelial function and heart disease risk.

如果智力测试对某些人不起激励作用,那么它自身就是一个很好的预测者。If an IQ test doesn't motivate someone then that is a good predictor in itself.

他们发现,重性抑郁症是最有力的自杀构想预测因子。A major depression was the strongest predictor of suicidal ideation, they found.

对癌症药物来讲,能够使肿瘤收缩被认为是增加生存机会的预言者。For cancer drugs, tumor shrinkage is considered a predictor of increased survival.

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术后BGC控制不良是院内死亡率和发病率的预测因子。Inadequate postoperative BGC is a predictor of in-hospital mortality and morbidity.

而在大多数情况下,没有谁能预测得准一个人能活多久。In most situations, there is no catch-all predictor for how long a person will live.

预滤器可以在信号被送去线性预报器之前轻微地过滤信号。The prefilter cleans the signal slightly, before it is sent to the linear predictor.