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有时可用白板,”卡乐说。Use a whiteboard sometimes, ” Karle says.

看看白板上的教具可是我精心制作的优!Look at the props I paste onto the whiteboard.

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把关键性的讨论问题写在白板上或者活页白挂纸上。Write the key discussion questions on a whiteboard or flipchart.

白板和小组会议是解决这一问题的绝佳工具。A whiteboard and a group meeting are the best tools for this process.

我办公室里还剩下的一件没有科技含量的设备是我的白板。The one low-tech piece of equipment still in my office is my whiteboard.

要有白板功能,方便大家用写写划划的方式,描绘自己的见解并推送给其它人。There's a whiteboard so anyone can draw an idea and push it to the group.

请把白板上左下角的三角形擦去。Please wipe out the triangle in the bottom left-hand corner of the whiteboard.

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白板应该由开发商只能建立在公司内部。没有第三方的API。The whiteboard should only be built by developer in- house. No Third party API.

把这些目标打印出来,以大写的字体放在你的桌子或者写字板上。Print the goals out in a large font and put them on your desk or your whiteboard.

所以这个在科技中心几乎是一个,电脑版本的电子白板。So this is pretty much a computer version of the whiteboard in the Science Center.

使用电子白板界面同时制定多个版本的发布计划,提高效率。Efficiently plan multiple releases and sprints via an electric whiteboard interface

电子白板作为CSCW的重要组成部分,目前已得到了越来越广泛的应用。As one of the important portion of the system of CSCW, whiteboard has been widely applied nowadays.

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披着浅黄色头发的休斯,抓起笔在白板上潦草地写下了会议日程。Hughes, with sandy hair halfway down his back, grabs a marker and scribbles the agenda on a whiteboard.

本文分析了电子白板作为教育装备使用时的适应性。The article analyzes the adaptability of electronic whiteboard when it is used as educational equipment.

如果白粉笔在黑板上写白色这个字,那黑粉笔在白色的书写板上会写黑色这个字吗?If white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard, will black chalk chalk black on a white whiteboard then?

电子白板软件系统的开发最主要包括前端应用程序的开发。The development of Whiteboard software system includes the most important front-end application development.

我对老师让我们在白板上当堂写句子感到很喜欢。I like it when Professor Tang provided us with whiteboard so that we can practice writing sentences in class.

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我们使用了一个数码的白板,我们可以在这个数码白板上保存和打印被画出的图,这是非常节省时间的。We used a digital whiteboard that could save and print diagrams drawn on it, which was a wonderful timesaver.

它凡是包含了开辟人员、营业专家、多量的咖啡、饼干以及白板笔。It usually involves developers, business experts, and copious quantities of coffee, cookies, and whiteboard pens.

我询问他语言能力的恢复程度,他沿着会议桌跑到墙上的一块巨型白板旁边。When I ask how far his speech has returned, he dashes around the conference table to a big whiteboard on the wall.