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秋天梦寐在牧羊女的眼里。Autumn sleeps in the shepherdess eyes.

牧羊女毫不犹豫地说。The Shepherdess said with no hesitation.

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牧羊女毫不犹豫的说。The Shepherdess said with no hesitation.

牧羊女看见他时感到很愧疚。The Shepherdess felt painful when she saw him.

看到中国瓷娃娃,牧羊女感到难受。The Shepherdess felt painful when she saw him.

试验过的什么她可以当一个牧羊女。And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should.

牧羊女吓得扑通一下倒在地上。The Shepherdess plumped down to the ground with fear.

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牧羊女很害怕扑通一声倒在地上。The Shepherdess plumped down to the ground with fear.

桌上有一个牧羊女的小瓷像。A china statuette of a shepherdess stood on the table.

有一个可爱的牧羊女的中国就在书桌上。There was a lovely shepherdess made of china on the desk.

牧羊女哭着望向她心爱的扫烟囱的小伙子。The Shepherdess cried and looked at her beloved Chimney Sweeper.

老中国娃娃告诉牧羊女这个消息后便睡着了。The old Chinese doll said this to the Shepherdess and fell asleep.

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扫烟囱的牧羊女紧张地等待他的回答。The Chimney Sweeper and the Shepherdess waited for his answer nervously.

牧羊女和扫烟囱的听到他们的喊声非常惊慌。The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeper were astounded to hear their voices.

扫烟囱说,并采取了牧羊女壁炉中的一个大门。The Chimney Sweeper said and took the Shepherdess to a gate in the fireplace.

牧羊女的松了一口气,回到之前她站着的桌子上。The Shepherdess was relieved and went back to the table where she was standing before.

牧羊女了她并喂他午饭,饭是由豆和米做成的粥。A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice.

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一个牧羊女发现了她并喂他午饭,饭是由豆和米做成的粥。A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice.

一个牧羊女发现了她,把自己的午餐——用豆子和大米做的粥——给他吃了。A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice.

牧羊女正拿着一根棍子,金鞋,穿着红裙子与玫瑰饰品。The Shepherdess was holding a stick and wearing gold shoes and a skirt with red rose ornaments.