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有微风的时候,这个区域非常容易影响无动力航船。Having little wind, this area greatly affects unpowered ships.

旋翼机在飞行中是靠无动力旋转式机翼来支持的。An autogiro is supported in flight by unpowered rotating wings.

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怀特兄弟还是重新使用手动滑翔机,从沙丘上俯冲而下。The Wrights also returned to flying unpowered gliders off dunes.

没有志向的人,就好比没有动力的船,只能随波逐流。A man without aspirations is like an unpowered boat which has to go with the waves.

无动力水处理技术自从二十世纪九十年代才开始在我国逐步得以应用和发展。The unpowered techniques of wastewater treatment ca me into use in China from 1990s.

动力座袋与非动力座袋的有差异的成分是什么?What are the components of a power harness that differ from unpowered hang gliding ?

它解决了浮选柱存在的问题,值得推广利用。The simple unpowered flotation device solves the problems existing in the flotation column and is worth promoting and utilizing.

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每台机车由600马力的发动机驱动,并通过液力传动到达转向架。Each loco was powered by a 600hp engine driving through hydraulic transmission to the leading bogie, the rear bogie being unpowered.

在建造并学习如何驾驶非动力飞行器后,莱特兄弟大胆著手创造更为稳固的马达飞行器。Having constructed and learned how to fly an unpowered aircraft, the Wrights then embarked on creating a more robust, motorized version.

新型无动力滗水器在工程应用中进行了测试,并加以改进,设备运行稳定、良好。The unpowered decanter was tested and improved during the engineering project application. The equipment operation is stable and better.

介绍了将DMC-PID串级控制技术应用到无人机无动力飞行时的自动着陆阶段迎角自动控制系统。DMC-PID bunches control technology in the angle of attack automatic control system during unpowered flying automatic landing period is introduced.

文中建立了无动力潜射导弹运载器出水弹道数学模型,并进行了海上实验验证,仿真计算结果与实验测试数据吻合很好。In this article, a water-exit trajectory mathematic model of unpowered missile carrier is developed and validated by the carrier model tests on the sea.

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翟墨,航行三万五千海里,终成为中国单人无动力帆船环球航海第一人,只因为他有扬中国之威的信念。Zhai, sailing thirty-five thousand miles, eventually become China's single unpowered sailboat sailing first person, only because he has a young Chinese belief.

虽然比托雷斯的无动力义肢没有代谢上的优势,可是那并不代表正常人在穿上动力义肢或外骨骼后不能有优势。Although Mr Pistorius's unpowered prosthetics do not provide any metabolic advantage, there is no reason why powered prosthetics, or exoskeletons worn by able-bodied people, cannot do so.