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他们非常鄙视因袭。They have a great contempt for conventionality.

而我只是一个喜欢打破常规的女孩。I am just a special girl, and break this conventionality.

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所以符号的意义来源于它的惯例。Okay. So the intelligibility of sign systems is their conventionality.

对许多人来说传统与保守没有区别。To many people conventionality is indistinguishable from conservatism.

这里很老套,让她扮演了好几个角色让我来细说其中的几个。It's that conventionality that then allows her to occupy multiple roles.

但我对这一演说中有关经济的真正失望是它的俗套。But my real problem with the speech, on matters economic, was its conventionality.

对于学校管理的变革,我们必然要追问其合理性、合法性与合习俗性与否。For the school management change, its rationality, validity and conventionality must be sought for.

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社交指示语的权势内涵在不同的文化中遵循不同的规约性原则。The power of social deixis is based on different principles of conventionality in various cultures.

规约性渗透至语言使用的不同方面,体现为多个层面上的形式共选。Conventionality prevails into every aspect of language use and co-selection is going on at multiple levels.

且常规的表面,有本书开头前几个字正面背书,就在他的献辞中。And the appearance of conventionality is supported by the opening words of the book in his dedicatory letter.

治疗组采用“巨刺法”推拿治疗,对照组采用以患侧为主的常规推拿治疗。Therapeutic group had been treated with lu-ci method massage and Control group treated with massage conventionality.

如果我们再一味的因循守旧、墨守成规,最终将导致的健美操运动的发展停滞不前。Keeping following the beaten path of conventionality would eventually results in the stagnation in aerobics gymnastics.

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常规齿轮减速器优化设计中忽略了可靠性指标,使设计不够理想。The dependability is neglected in conventionality optimal design of gear reducer and brings on imperfect design results.

要抛弃她很难,同样难抛弃的还有我们的家人和朋友、英国式的幽默、英国人出人意表的行为方式以及各种怪癖。It is hard to abandon, as well as one's family and friends, Britain's humour, its lack of conventionality and its quirks.

按人们的老套思想来解释这个问题确实有点难,语言很难说清楚。It's a difficult question to answer given the limitations of the language, the conventionality of most people's thinking.

在克恩伯格看来,传统可能是社会稳定付出的代价,即使这意味着更为严重的集体倒退。In his view, conventionality may be the price of social stability, in spite of the danger of more severe group regression.

它可以采用中药制剂的常规方法制备成任何常规内服药剂。The medicine composition can prepare any conventionality medicine by conventionality method of Chinese traditional medicine.

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武周新字违反汉字的社会约定性,逆汉字发展规律而动,命运自然不长久。However, Wu's new words went against the social conventionality of Chinese characters and neglected their law of development.

话语生态是适于某种文学话语生长的文化条件及其潜在的规定性。Discourse ecology refers to the cultural circumstances and potential conventionality for the growth of a certain literary discourse.

但类型强制作为一种强生成机制,还需要规约性来进一步补充说明。But the generative ability of type coercion is too strong to explain things clearly, so conventionality should be put into consideration.