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我并未影射如何人或任何事。I didn't insinuate anybody or anything.

他设法巧妙地渐渐取得老板的欢心。He tried to insinuate himself into the boss's favor.

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而你竟然说是我们想停止讨论这个问题?And you insinuate we are trying to dismiss the issue?

同时也暗示你,停止使用食物是愚蠢的。But to insinuate that you would stop using food is foolish.

又如何在法律的框架下定义影射与暗示?How can the framework of the legal definition of insinuate and imply?

难道你还能拐弯儿抹角儿地说这不算是赤胆忠心吗?And do you mean to insinuate that there is not a sort of devotion in that?

人性弱点和社会关系无不隐射出人的某种局限性。The weakness of Human nature and social relationships all insinuate some human limitation.

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她如愿巴结“意”中人,却落得失望而回。If she wishes to insinuate go-between of " meaning " , get disappointment however and answer.

对于这件事,一位位法官会出来反对,或甚至暗示其中有什么不对的地方呢?The rabbit died. what magistrate would find or even venture to insinuate anything against this?

还有些人喜欢跟你炫耀数学用的多,尽管过程显得非常繁琐There are others who like to show you how much mathematics you could somehow insinuate into the process.

她从未真正融入这个圈子,因为有些人相信她是议长的间谍。She never managed to fully insinuate herself into such circles, as some believed her to be a spy for the Chancellor.

他们装出一幅对世上亲友的幸福深深关切的样子,向亲友们暗示那些最危险的邪道。With an appearance of deep interest in the well-being of their friends on earth, they insinuate the most dangerous errors.

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“我们还不能确定,她不想含沙射影的风险,”一位发言人说,正式的意见将随后提出。"She didn't want to insinuate risk where we're not sure, " a spokesman said, adding that formal advice would be offered later.

除此之外,有些专搞民粹的政客甚至暗示回教移民,尤其是来自中东的族群,十之八九都生活腐化,或行一夫多妻制。Moreover some populists insinuate that muslim immigrants particularly middle easterners are by and large corrupt or polygamous.

但是托瑞看起来影射威廉斯拒绝球队的条件,可能完全没有机会为洋基效力第17个球季了。But Torre seemed to insinuate that if Williams rejects the team's offer, there would be absolutely no chance of a 17th year in New York.

头部膨涨充气使作品具有流畅且坚实的冷酷外表,验证它最大限度的柔韧性,也许藉此深化年轻的特质。The head inflated with air surfaces a smooth yet firm coolness, verifying its utmost flexibility, to perhaps over insinuate the youth of this character.

计算机病毒是一些由人设计的能潜入你的计算机,能自我复制,能扩展到其他计算机上并通常能引起一些症状的偷偷摸摸的程序。Computer viruses are sneaky programs designed to insinuate their way into your computer, copy themselves, spread to other computers and, usually, cause a few symptoms.

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这话引来一阵无礼的笑声,年轻人脸色深红,竭力装出是想巧妙使用聪明人所说的“双关语”的样子。This was greeted with an irreverent laugh, and the youth blushed deeply, and tried to look as if he had meant to insinuate what knowing people called a "double entendre."

另外,当然了,因为斯基特目前不敢含沙射影的报道任何有关赫敏私人生活的新闻,他一定在留意一些事情,在今后派上用场。Furthermore, of course, while Skeeter currently daren't insinuate anything about Hermione ' s personal life, she is certainly on the lookout for anything she can use later.

文字也会是一个人灵魂最好的诠释,不管是一个人自己抖落的文字还是转载的文章,即便是几句简单的心情,都能影射出一个人的品性。The soul of the text will be the best interpretation of a person, whether a man shake off his words or reproduced articles and even a few simple mood, can insinuate a person's character.